12 Weeks

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Alcina sighed to herself. She had specifically told her daughters not to go out hunting, because she could be called to a meeting. They had all agreed, there was no need for it today anyway. But when Alcina came to look for her daughters in the library and the dungeons, they were all gone. If only they’d listen for once.

She couldn't even think about leaving you with the staff. They had more than once tried to kill either Alcina or one of her daughters. Of course, all those attempts were futile; they couldn't be killed. At least, not to the knowledge of the villagers. So no, leaving you here alone with them wasn't an option.

The only option was to take you with her to the family meeting. Alcina just hoped you wouldn't make a scene in front of everyone and start crying throughout the whole thing.

And besides that, her siblings hadn't even met their new niece yet. That was sure to cause some interference in Mother Miranda's meeting plans, the priestess usually wanted them to be quick and to the point. She'd just had skip introductions, she supposes.

"Let's get going, little one."


You had slept throughout the entire journey. Which was a miracle by itself. When Alcina arrived, all the other lords and Mother Miranda were already there. There had been a slight delay because you needed to be fed before leaving the castle and she had told the staff to inform her daughters she'd be taking Y/N to the meeting.

"Glad you could still join us, Alcina." Mother Miranda smiled behind her mask, motioning for the woman to sit at her usual chair. Alcina nodded respectfully.

"I am deeply sorry for arriving late, Mother Miranda." She informed everyone as she sat down, clutching you closer to her. "Not everyone kept to their agreements back home." The tall woman added, rolling her eyes.

“Hopefully for all of us, you will raise this one with some better manners.” Heisenberg jokes but Alcina couldn’t see the fun in it.

“Ironic, coming from you.” Your mother retorts, making your uncle huff. Meanwhile, Angie had climbed on the armrest of the chair and was looking at you. She started to jump up and down and clapped her hands in excitement, gaining everyone's attention.

“So this is our new niece!“ Angie squealed. So much for skipping the introductions. "She looks so small compared to you!" The doll added with a hysterical giggle.

"She's a three month old baby, Angie. Of course she is small." Your mother chuckled, adjusting you in her arms so the doll could look at you better. This sudden movement causes you to stretch and wake up, almost dropping the pacifier your mother gave you before she left the castle.

"Oh! She's awaaake!" Angie shrieked, you looked up at her with your big golden eyes. Everyone stood up and stepped a little closer to look at you.

Heisenberg sighed heavily. "Shut up, you'll scare her." He scowled at Angie. "What was her name again?"

"Y/N." Alcina replied to the man with a slight huff. She was surprised to see Heisenberg cared enough to tell Angie not to scare you, but of course he didn't care enough to remember your name.

Miranda, in the meantime, smiled to herself in amusement as she patiently waited to continue.

"She looks adorable, My Lady." Moreau hesitantly said. He'd never used her first name, afraid of how the woman would react so he would always use 'My Lady' when talking to her. The only people that used her first name were Miranda and occasionally Donna too.

Alcina gave him a sympathetic smile. "Thank you."

"So can we play with her?" Angie hovered over you, making you smile and trying to reach out to the doll.

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