Halloween Special - 6 Years Old

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A/N: A 'special' Halloween chapter that I quickly wrote today, don't take it too seriously as the timelines don't match whatsoever lmao

"Mommy?" You ask as you wander into the dining room, where your entire family is seated. They were having dinner but you already ate, so you weren't there before now.

"Yes, darling?" Alcina answers, taking a sip of her wine. Your three sisters are squabbling among themselves and haven't even noticed you yet. You walk over to your mom so she can pick you up, setting you down on her lap.

"Can we celebrate halloween?" You ask, looking absolutely serious.

"How do you even know what that is, sweetheart?" Your mother questions with a curious look on her face. Now your sisters also listen into the conversation.

You give her a small smile. "One of Duke's friends told me!" Alcina rolls her eyes at that, she'd told that wretched man to stop bringing his business friends into the castle unless he wanted them turned into a meal. Guess she needed to make her point crystal clear.

"And what did he tell you?" Cassandra asks, now also curious about what Halloween is. Your sisters hadn't heard of it either.

You think for a moment, playing with a lock of your dark hair as you did so. "That it comes from All Hallows Eve..." Your mother nods in affirmation as you gave her a quick look, so you continue with some more confidence. "And that children go around town in... customs?"

"Costumes." Alcina corrects you.

"Yes, costumes!" You repeat happily. "Then the children knock on doors and ask for candy!"

Daniela immediately perks up at the mention of candy and getting to dress up. "That sounds like so much fun!" The redhead giggles.

"And a lot of work..." Bela says, earning a frown from most at the table. "I mean, you have to make your costume... get candy for other children that visit your home."

"And I won't have you wander around in the village. Who knows what they'll do." Your mother makes sure to add, earning a pout from you.

"Okay..." You say softly in defeat.

"But we can still dress up, can't we, Mother?" Cassandra asks, seeing how sad it made you.

"If that is what you want to do, go ahead. But do not leave the castle." Alcina warns, raising an eyebrow at all of you. Lastly she looks at her eldest daughter who gives her a reassuring nod.

"And we can play games in the castle, like hide and seek!" Daniela almost bounces in her seat. You rapidly nod at her words.

"Yes!" You cheer. A brief callback to the last game of hide and seek comes to mind, making you cross your arms as you glare at Daniela. "But no bugs this time." Your sisters were able to find you with ease whenever they were in their swarm form and since you weren't able to do that, it pissed you off.

The redhead scoffs, but agrees. "Fine. But you don't get to ask the maids or mother about our whereabouts." She glares back. Satisfied with the deal, you nod and the glare turns into a smile. You were so excited to celebrate Halloween!

Now you still needed costume ideas, though.

A thought pops into your mind, Uncle Heisenberg once let you borrow a tv so you could watch movies on it, which you borrowed from Uncle Moreau. You never understood what the film was about, as you didn't know what Halloween was while watching it but you just liked the witches in it!

"We could dress up as Hocus Pocus!" You exclaim in excitement.

"Hocus... what?" Bela looks at you with a frown.

"Hocus Pocus." You repeat with a smile. "It's a film!"

"Oh, like the ones Uncle Moreau watches!" Daniela now understands and you nod your head enthousiastically. Your mother rolls her eyes at the mention of her 'siblings'.

"So, what do we dress as?" Bela looks at you for an answer and you give her a big grin.


Later that week on the 31st of October, you and your siblings all were ready to get dressed up. First up was Bela, she decided she wanted to he Winifred, as she was also the oldest sister. She had the green robes and, although she herself was a blonde, purchased a wig that resembled Winnie's hair and color.

Second was Cassandra, who went as Mary. She already had her brown hair so she only needed an outfit, which she made herself. It looked incredibly alike!

Third was Daniela, who desperately wanted to go as Sarah after watching the movie with you. The redhead found herself similar to Sarah and the youngest witch was immediately her favorite! So she got a blonde wig and an outfit made by Cassi.

And that left you with your second favorite, Dani. Initially you wanted to be Sarah as she was your absolutely favorite, but since Daniela so desperately wanted to be the blonde, you let her. Instead, you went as the child the witches tried to hunt down for their potion. Again, Cassi made the outfit for you but this one was a bit more of a challenge for her. But she succeeded in making an exact replica nonetheless. You'd also asked if you could paint Lulu black so she could look like Thackery! But that was quickly shut down by, well... everyone.

Coming down the grand stairscase into the main hall, your mother smiled at all four of her daughters. "You look wonderful, my darlings."

"Thank you Mama!" You cheered, letting go of Bela's hand and running over to your mother who swiftly picked you up. "Can we play hide and seek now?" You ask, turning in her arms towards your siblings. All three of them nod in unison.

"I have an idea." Bela says, getting everyone's attention. "In the movie, the witches want to capture Dani. We can play hide and seek with the three of us hunting you down."

"That sounds fun!" You cheer, before being put back down on the ground by Alcina.

"Better start running, little demon." Cassandra grins as Daniela giddely starts jumping around. You giggle before running off to the dining room to find a place to hide. You run through the courtyard, to the far end where a door leads to your mother's chambers. You run past her chambers to a seemingly dead end, but you hide yourself behind the curtain and the dresser.

Perfect you think to yourself.

You sit and wait there for you don't know how long. Then you finally hear a sound, heels coming up the stairs. You know its not Mama, as her steps are heavier and your sisters' steps are quicker. You're just glad they didn't use their bugs!

Suddenly, the footsteps stop completely and there is only complete silence. It lasts a minute or two and eventually you decide whoever was there, was now gone.

But that was a mistake.

"RAH!" Someone yelled behind you, making you jump up and scream. "I found you!" One of your sisters giggles and you unsuccessfully try to get away.

"Cassi!" You scream as she caught up with you and lifted you up on the air. "You used your bugs!"

"No I didn't." The brunette smirks, letting go of you. When you only glare at her, she playfully rolls her eyes at you. "Fine, maybe just for a short while."

"That's against the rules!"

Cassi holds her hands up in defeat. "Okay, okay. You know what? How about you go back into hiding again and I won't tell them where you are. In the meantime, I'll set up Hocus Pocus so we can watch that again tonight. Sound like a plan?"

You instantly give her a big smile and nod in agreement. "Thank you Cassi." You run back to where you were hiding before as Cassandra leaves again, telling her sisters she hadn't found you yet. Eventually Daniela found you fair and square. You and Dani go back to the lounge room where Cassandra has set up the tv, while your mother had found some pumpkins in the meantime so the four if you could carve them out.

This was the best Halloween ever!

Hocus Pocus is my favorite Halloween movie and the Dimitrescu sisters reminded me of the Sanderson sisters so I couldn't resist writing about it xD hope you liked it and happy halloween! Any plans for today? ^^

And by the way, thank you for all your lovely comments! I read them all but don't always have time to reply xx

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