5 Years Old

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If there was one thing you didn't like, it was bath time. The stupid soap would sting in your eyes, the water was way too hot according yo you and you knew it would be bedtime afterwards. Your sisters never had to take a bath, so why do you need to? It's just not fair. You just wanna keep playing with your wolf!

Just now, a maid was ordered to give you a bath. She didn't tell you at first, knowing you'd protest against it. When the two of you walked through the corridors, you holding her hand, you started to take notice of where you were headed.

"Where are we going?" You ask curiously. The maid swallows and looks straight ahead.

"To your room, of course." She answers with her usual polite smile.

"Why?" You ask but the maid doesn't reply. You frown and look at her. "Why?" You ask again, stopping in your tracks. When she once again doesn't reply, you already know what's gonna happen.

So you make a run for it.

Your hand slips out of the maid's hand as you turn to run the other way. You rush down the hallway, down the stairs and out of sight of the maid.

"Y/N!" She yells, sighing when she is unable to keep up with you. "I should tell one of the mistresses…" The maid mutters to herself.

You make your way into the courtyard, hoping that the maid had given up now. You find your pet wolf, Lulu, sitting in the middle of the courtyard, staring at the sky where a few birds can be seen. She watches intently and doesn't even notice you.

"Hi Lulu." You say to her as you sit down on the bench next to her. The wolf's tail wiggles but she continues focussing on the birds above. You pet her and look around to see if the maid is here yet. When the maid still hasn't showed up, you decide to head back inside. You left Lulu where she was still sitting and headed for the dining room.

As soon as you closed the door behind you, you heard someone behind you.

"And where do you think you're going?" The dark haired sister asks.

"I wanted to play with Dani." You answer with a big smile. Cassandra raises an eyebrow as she eyes you suspiciously.

"Oh. So it's not time to take a bath then?" She questions. Of course, Cassandra knew the answer already. Not even 5 minutes ago the head maid, Lucinda, informed her that Y/N had once again run off. The brunette didn't particularly love taking a bath either, but it wasn't that bad.

You quickly shake your head. "Nope… Bye!" You sprint past her, hearing her chuckle as you push the door to the grand hall open. You stop in the middle of the room.

Maybe you can actually play with Daniela! But where could she be?

Then you notice a different maid nearby. She is dusting off a cabinet, her back turned to you. You walk up to her and gently pull on her apron, which startles the poor woman. When she sees it's you, she exhales in relief. "Oh, Miss Y/N… what can I do for you?"

"Where is Dani?"

"She's in the library, Miss. Do you want me to take you there?" She asks but you shake your head. You knew where the library was, you didn't need her help!

"No, thank you." You say before going to the staircase. The maid frowns before turning back to her work.

Now, where was the library again… to the left? You ponder which way to go, standing at the top of the stairs when suddenly a few flies appear. First you thought they were loud and chaotic, so that would be Daniela. But they weren't chaotic enough. And it definitely wasn't Bela, because her flies always remain calm… so that would only leave Cas-

Before you can finish that thought, the swarm of flies in front of you manifests itself into a human body. Cassandra swiftly grabs you and carries you down the stairs, reminding herself that she can't just swarm away like she usually does.

"Don't even try to run this time." Cassandra laughs as she holds you tightly against her while you thrash to get away. She carries you back into your personal bathroom, where the maid was sitting on a chair near the bathtub, calmly waiting for you to return. It was one of the older maids who had worked here for quite a while now and didn't get spooked as easily as the others anymore.

"But you don't take baths either!" You protest.

Cassandra laughs. "Yes we do. Just… not as often." You shrug and quickly try to run past her again but your sister swiftly picks you up and does a small spin before putting you back down again next to the maid.

"I don't wanna." You state, crossing your arms in front of your chest and glaring at her. Usually this worked as all your sisters thought you had a cute little wrinkle on your forehead when u gave a glare, but this time Cassandra wasn't going to be fooled.

The brunette inhales deeply before continuing. "You will take your bath or you can't play with Lulu this entire week." Almost immediately, you drop your 'tough' act and your mouth falls open.

"But she needs me!" You retort. Your sister shakes her head as she gently guides you to the maid.

"Then I will take care of her until you have taken a bath."

"But-" You start but Cassandra glares at you and you know she is being serious now. "Okay…" You obediently went to the maid and took your bath. You didn't like it at all, but at least this time you didn't get any soap in your eyes. Afterwards, when the maid just finished helping you get dressed, Cassandra appeared again with Lulu next to her.

"Lulu!" You call out and your four-legged friend immediately ran to you, rolling over right in front of you so you could pet her belly.

"I just spoke to Mother and she said it would be okay if you joined me tomorrow to hunt." This made you snap up to look right at her. "Would you like that?"

"Yes!" You exclaim, making Cassandra chuckle.

"Alright, little one. Then let's get you to bed now." The brunette holds out her hand and you take it, skipping all the way to your bed. She wishes you goodnight before she and the maid leave. Lulu sleeps next to you on the ground, curled up in a ball which makes her look like a pile of snow and you laugh because of it.

You are so excited for tomorrow!

A/N: This was my latest chapter on AO3. I am currently working on the new chapter, but it might take a while cuz Im having writer's block which sucks hard. Hope you're enjoying this story so far! ^^

Also thank you for the 1k reads! Much appreciated xx

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