One hell of a girl

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A figure swooped in front of Barbara and pushed Albert away.
"Are you okay, m'lady?" Fischl asked, holding her bow and arrow at the man's head.
"Get away from me you freak!" He yelled.
He stood up and began to run away.

"I'm okay, now that you're here." Barbara thanked her.
Fischl blushed, "T'was not a problem, I apologize for not being here sooner. I was on the roof-"
"Why were you on the roof, are you okay?!" She checked for any scars or bruises.
"No need to worry about me, come on let's get back to your place!"
Just as she was about to walk, her feet stopped and she fell over.
Barbara helped her up and brought her to a podium to lean on. She went inside to get bandages and when she returned, Fischl had tears in her eyes.
She wiped them away and began to wrap up the ankle, putting ice on it.
She must have twisted it from the fall.

Just as Barbara was about to go back into the cathedral, Fischl tugged on her skirt, "Stay."
"I'm not going to leave you."

The two girls sat in silence, holding hands.

"If you think you can walk, you can stay at my place for now." She offered.
The other girl nodded in acknowledgement.

The began to stare into each other's eyes, now was the time to strike.
"Fischl, I need to tell you something."

She tried to think of what to say, but her mind was cluttered with a mess.

Fischl leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek, "I like you, Barbara."
"I like you too." She squeezed her hand.

The sun began to set, Barbara helped Fischl up and they hobbled home. The two girls laughed and played all night long, finally falling alseep.

When Jean came to tell Barbara goodnight, she saw the two girls and tucked them in to bed.
"Goodnight," She whispered as she slowly closed the door.

Adventures of Fischl and BarbaraWhere stories live. Discover now