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"MATT GET UP" nick screamed into his brothers room then slamming the door shut again.
matt only turned over wanting the sheets to swallow him whole.

minutes went by until his door was flung open again. Matt didn't hear what his brothers were saying with all the thoughts racing in his head.

After the fifth attempt of getting Matt out of bed for school, the only option was to ask Mary-Lou.

"Cmon honey! time for school" she sang lightly, walking over to the window and opening the blinds.

Matt groaned and turned onto his stomach, digging his head into the pillow. "ur gonna be late sweety" she cooed sitting beside him and rubbing his back.

"i don't wanna go in today" he mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

"don't u have to collect vallery?" Mary-Lou knew that the way to Matts heart was his bestfriend. he sighed and shook his head.

"it's thursday" "well u have to bring ur brothers to school"

"please mom" flipping onto his back the teenager looked up to his mother with hope.

"i wish u could. but u know i would rather u be present in class and not do anything, then not try at all"

"please mom. just one day"

"im sorry honey i cant-" the woman was cut off by chris shouting from downstairs.

"cmon get dressed" kissing his head she walks out the door and downstairs. matt face planted his pillow again and doesn't move.


"what chris"

"we're gonna be late"

"can mom drive u?"

"shes going the other way for work"

"want a day off?"

"matt c'mon. u cant take every thursday off. look just change and try to guilt trip mom"


"atta boy" slapping matts back chris skipped out of his room to get breakfast.

somehow the family got matt in his car driving to school although he wasn't feeling very well.

nick noticed matt breathing heavily and hit chris for his attention to be switched from his phone.

"hey hey hey" nick put a hand on matts shoulder.

"what is it?" chris ask turning his body to his brothers.

"i'm dropping u off that's all i can do right now" matt mumbled biting his lip.

"matt, remember what Olivia said" olivia was the therapist.

"ok nick but olivia isn't here right now is she?"

"look u have 3 classes and then ur with charlotte and i, then 2 classes and lunch. after lunch ur with vallery, and then one class ur home!" chris tried to simplify but matts heavy breathing stayed the same as he gripped the wheel with both hands.

Matt turned into the high school and pulled into a spot. once the car stopped he looked around at the hundreds of kids speed walking to class.

"no no no no no no no-" matts head was shaking, his lip was quivering and his sleeves her covering his hands that were rubbing together in his lap.

chris pulled his brother into a hug cutting him off and when he pulled away he had to wipe a tear that was escaping.

"matt u know we don't want u being here when u don't want to" nick spoke from the back seat "but it's the only way ur gonna get through it"

matt was refusing and somewhat arguing with chris- well matt was arguing, chris was comforting. Nick pulled out his phone and immediately called vallery.

"hey wru?" the brothers heads turned to nick wondering who was on the phone.

"in the bathrooms. are u still outisde?"

"yeah it's um..yk"

"ya ik. can we just leave i don't want that happening"

"oh my lord u too are the same person" with that chris and matt turned back around knowing who was on the line.

"is there any chance of him coming in?"

"very little"

"alright i'm on my way" and with that the line went dead.

matt noticed the girl moving towards the car and turned to his brother "y isn't she in class?"

"she wanted to come out idk"

nick opened the door for the girl and she slid in

"alright. please drive" she pleaded to matt

he turned the key but chris slapped his hand gaining a glare from matt.

"one day" vallery pleaded to chris and nick.

"no he has to go in. the guidance council have already warned him about the days he has missed. so do u"

"he doesn't want to. look he's shaking!" val yelled

after much yelling and arguing the four decided to go in. and by that i mean chris and nick made them go in

by now they had 3 minutes until class started and matt and vallery were walking very slow. vallery grabbed matts hand in a comforting way, rubbing her thumb over his knuckles.

they reached the door and vallery had to do some tugging on his hand to get him through.

"ok" she took a deep breath "2 hours and 15 minutes. that's all until break, when i see u" she smiled lightly trying to comfort the boy with slightly glossy eyes.

"i have to go. u will be alright" she kissed his cheek, squeezed his hand, and walked towards hher class hoping that he won't run back to his car. she wanted more than anything right then to stay with him and go for a drive for hours blaring music with the windows down, but she knew she had to trust that he will go to class and be ok.


hope u like a it <3
had to add some conan gray in somewhere

also ignore that i use a lot of text slang and the lack of capital letters...

hope u have a nice day or night 💋


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