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"what are u getting all dressed up for?" joy asks leaning against my door

"i'm not getting dressed up"

"that's a lot of lip gloss then"

"shut up i look cute as fuck" i say puckering my lips at her. she smiles.

"yes. u do indeed. so what, is matt coming over or something?" i giggle at her. she has been a 'mallery' shipper for as long as i can remember, but i don't see it happening.

"no weirdo. but he is collecting me to film a video with the other two in....40 seconds"

"we'll GO THEN!" she yells pushing me out the door

"jesus calm down i'm going to fall down the stairs"

"hi val" "hi val" matt and nick say as i jump in the car after chris pulling me out of my house.

"hey watsu- I GET THE FRONT SEAT??"

"yes, u can have my seat JUST. THIS. ONCE" chris smiles.

"thankyou chris" i hug him earning a giggle from the boys in the car before we hop in aswell.

"so! what's on the agenda for this fine evening?" the sun had just set and it in massachusetts and it was cold so i was hoping we were staying inside the car.

"mc donald's and q&a?" nick suggest.



"hey guys and welcome back to our chanel" chris smiles at the camera resting on the dashboard.

"u may be wondering why i am in the backseat- well. that's because our dear friend valley girl val decided to join us!"

"hii" i smile with a mouth full of chicken nuggets.

"so to start us off, this person asked, would u ever live abroad, if so where and with whom at what point in ur life" says nick

"Ooooo!" matt yells making chris and i giggle. "i like that question!"

"i would go to ireland at the age of 60" nick says proudly earning confused looks from the rest of us

"why?" chris asks interested

"have u ever seen pictures?? it's the most beautiful place in the world!!!!! i would live on a big green hill over looking the sea and it would be so nice to retire there. maybe i would have a farm and some sheep!"

we laugh but honestly that sounds so peaceful.

"okay i love it! with whom?" i ask

"u guys..duh"


"that was adorable nick"

"ur so cute sometimes!"

"alright shut up! what about u guys"

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