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"no no no no no no no no no" vallery repeated covering her eyes

"yes yes yes yes yes yes yes" the boy replied.

matt has been trying to get vallery out of bed for 10 minutes now and he wasn't doing a very good job.

"please just 5 more minutes" the girl pleaded. she cracked an eye open when there was no response and ended up turning back over to sleep.

cold air rushed over her body when the duvet was ripped off her and now on the floor - then clothes were being thrown on her.

"u have 4 minutes to get changed because we're going to be late"

"fuck u matt"

"fuck u too vallery!"

vallery walks to her mirror after getting changed and admires how she looks in the blue winter uniform either her hair down and gold jewellery placed specifically.


"finally" chris exclaimed jumping off the couch

"u look nice" nick commented "like real nice"

"thanks nick! but i'm too tired for this"

"me too, hey after school wanna do something? we haven't hung out just the two of us in forever"

"i'd love to! wanna shop?" she smirked

"is that what u think all gays wanna do?" he scowled

"i'm just kidding" he laughed "shoulda seen ur face! i do wanna go shopping tho"

"sounds like a plan" she slapped her hand against his before walking out the door to the mini van.


"so where to first?" i ask looking at all the stores

"everywhere cmon" linking his arm through mine he drags me into a bright store with trendy clothes from top to bottom on each wall.

"my poor bank account" i sigh smiling.


"nick wanna see this cute guy i added on snapchat?" i ask sipping my smoothie


"oh my god he is cute! why have i not heard of this before?"

"cuz i only just started talking to him. he doesn't live far away and i think he was in our elementary school"

"do u like him?"

"oh straight to the point" i laugh

"well do u??"

"i don't know" i gush

"does he like u?"

"i think so"


i laugh "i know!" i squeal

"is this the guy that matt deep liked his photos last week?" he laughs making me laugh


"wait..what about matt?"

"um what about matt?"

"i thought u guys had a thing going on?"

i hesitate "well..i don't really know. i um- i kinda think there's something between him and nova. i dunno" i shrug

"HIM AND NOVA??????"

"don't say anything not even to matt or nova. i think i only picked up on it i don't even know"

"woah..that was unexpected.."

he shakes his head like a dog after jumping in a lake and cracks his knuckles.

"sorry that weirded me out" we laugh "cmon where to next?"


once we got home there were fashion shows and fit checks along with 'wtf is this and why did i buy it'.

it wasn't until 10pm that everything was getting put away safely.

vallery asked nick to stay over and of course he couldn't deny.

she listened to his rants and they caught up on time they had missed together over the recent years when forming a bigger group.

they missed each-other more then they think, and they love each other more than they know.

that night they never stopped laughing. not for a second - well maybe a second, but 3 minutes tops.
joy couldn't sleep but she didn't want to stop the fun considering vallery was finally happy again and that's all she ever wanted.

the triplets made her happy.
of course her other friends did as well but those three boys in particular were her number ones.


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