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The sun brightly shined in her eyes making her quickly put her hands up the cover her eyes

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The sun brightly shined in her eyes making her quickly put her hands up the cover her eyes. She quickly got used to it and even enjoying the sunshine. It was the perfect weather the sun was out, and it was beautiful. She let her arms drop to the side of her and soaked in the sun loving every moment.

It wasn't long till the sun had to leave and Ayla watched as it set, and the moon filled the sky.

She just observed and let her thoughts roam.  They filled with love for the sun and moon. She watched the moon and thought about all its different phases how sometimes the moon can be empty and barely there but then other times it can be full and so incredibly bright.

She loved it and it sent the same tingles down her body, the same tingles she felt when she was with him.

"God damn, you don't hear the damn alarm I've been trying to wake you up" Emilia said making Ayla jump up from her sleep.

"Fuck your stupid ass dream and get ready we're going to be late" Emilia said.


"Fuck" Ayla said gathering he stuff and running to her class.

"Nice to finally see you" her 1st period teacher spoke. She didn't like being singled out it made her stomach turn she hurried to her seat way back in the class.

She spent the class drawing in her notebook and ignoring the teacher with her music. Her music was so loud, and she was so focused of the drawing that she didn't notice that the bell rang and Cyrus was focused on her drawing as well. Cyrus couldn't help but to interrupt. He watched for a bit, but he had to talk to her. He reached and pulled on of her headphones making her turn around.

"Um what the fuck" she said turning to him.

"I should have talked to you sooner if it meant I was going to have a dream like that" he said smiling.

"Um yah-"

"You can drop the act you know we're soulmates two souls connected by destiny so I can feel you in my dreams and I felt happiness and relief when you're with me" he said leaning down looking deeply into her eyes.

"Your more beautiful in person how is that possible Ayla" he spoke.

She felt her heart skip a beat at his words. All she wanted to do was lean into the sunlight and stop blocking it.

"Ayla your better than some guy don't let him reel you in" Emilia spoke pulling Ayla back.

"Your drawing is so pretty your very talented" Cyrus smiled and grabbed the notebook.

"I draw to maybe we could hang out and draw together you know do something out of those stupid romance movies" he said laughing.

"Um I can't I'm not that good so I'm a little embarrassed" she said making Cyrus look at her confused.

"Embarrassed you have nothing to be embarrassed about this is beautiful I would tell you if it was ugly trust me" he said setting the notebook down.

"We should get to class come on" he said grabbing book and handing it to her to put away.

She packed up her stuff so they could go to their second class while Cyrus patiently waited enjoying her presence.

"Do you wanna know a fun fact I learned yesterday" Cyrus smiled looking over at Ayla while they walked down the hall.

"Hm" she mumbled.

"Your name Ayla its Turkish its means moon glow like moonlight" he said smiling. She looked over at him and saw his smile so genuine and innocent like he could do no wrong. He had an innocence to him not like a kid or nothing but more like he wasn't a threat he was just a nice sweet caring guy.

"That's terrifying" Emilia said.

"When you trust people, they always screw you over people you trust with your life will be the ones who take advantage and hurt you the most" Emilia finished.

"Cyrus means sun so I guess we match huh" he said leaning in.

"I'm the moon and you're the sun" she said smiling.

"I always loved the moon and how pretty it was" he said.

"I think I'm sensing a pattern" he finished while she stopped.

"Sunshine makes me feel warm and nice but I don't like the heat or anything but the sun itself has always been fascinating like it's a giant star that's never dulls, it shines and helps the planets I think it fits very well with you" Ayla said.

"That's the most I've ever heard you talk" Cyrus spoke.

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"No need to be sorry I don't mind sometimes I don't like talking either and other times I can't shut the fuck up" he said.

"Have a nice time in class Ayla I'll see you soon" he said letting her walk into her class and then walking to his class.

"Why don't you ever listen to me for fucks sake don't talk to him again he's trouble I can already tell." Emilia said as they sat down.

"He's not that bad he seems sweet and according to the universe who matches up our soulmates we're a pretty good match" Ayla said.

"Universe is bullshit there's been so many cases of people killing their soulmates and I wouldn't say that's a perfect match" Emilia said.

"And there's a million other cases of soulmates that are happy I mean after everything we've been through don't, we deserve a happy ending or sum bull shit like that" Ayla responded.

"Yah just like your parents right" Emilia said stopping Ayla. She didn't say another word. Emilia this time as she does all the time.

"Hey, do you have a pencil or something" someone asked leaning towards her.

Ayla didn't even look at them she just nodded and reached into her bag and handed it to him.

"Oh, shit thanks" they said leaning back into their chair.

"Um I like you outfit" they said making Ayla look over at them.

"Thank you" she said quietly.

"I'm new and I was hoping I could sit with you during lunch or something"

"I sit alone so I don't know if you want to"

"That's even better I'm not much of a people person it's ok if you want to sit alone, I just wanted to ask" they said.

"Um yah we can sit together" she said smiling softly and turning back to the teacher and putting her headphones back in.

"Um yah we can sit together" she said smiling softly and turning back to the teacher and putting her headphones back in

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