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Cyrus laid on the hospital bed asleep

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Cyrus laid on the hospital bed asleep. His body filled with pain and his ears rang. He could fill his head grow in pain as he turned in agony.

"Sir, wake up" the nurse shakes him making him sit up.

"You're crying what's wrong are you in pain" she asked confused.

"No no, she needs help! She needs help! I have to go help her!" he said wiping his tears from his face and beginning to get out of bed.

"You can't go yet you're under 24-hour watch" she said pulling him back down.

"My soulmate is in pain I can feel it she's going to die I need to help her" he said pushing past her.

"She's probably fine" she moved in front of him blocking his way.

"You obviously haven't met your soulmate yet, so you don't know how important it is to listen to the warnings your body tells you" he said trying to move past her.

"Sure, you guys are connected and all, but you can't tell with things like that can you?" she asked.

"Yes, I can! She's going to kill herself if I don't go over there so move" he said pushing again but no budge.

"Please" he pleaded making her slowly move, letting him pass her.

He quickly ran off before stopping.

"I need a car, please" he said walking back to her and pulling her arm.

"I can't leave work"

"You're a nurse you save people help me save her please I can't let my moon die" he begged making her follow him. They quickly ran down the hospital hallways dodging people to get to the exit.

They finally got out the hospital and jumped into her car as she sped away.

"Where does she live?" she asked.

"I'm not entirely sure but turn right" he said making her take a sharp turn.

"How are you-"

"I can feel her it gets stronger the closer I get to her" he explained then pointing in a direction.

The closer he got the stronger his connection with her felt. He could feel every single ounce of pain she was going through. He pulled his hands over his face trying to control the pain.

"What's wrong" the nurse asked.

"That damn voice" he said lowly gripping at his chest.

"Go faster she's in so much pain" he winced.

"You can really feel her that much?"

"Here! Stop!" he said opening the car door and running out without the car even coming to a full stop.

"Moon" he winced out in pain pushing the front door open and running straight to the bathroom. He didn't know why he knew where she was, but he didn't care all he needed was her and how he got her didn't faze him.

"You won't be able to leave me that easy my beautiful moon" he said pulling her into his arms and beginning to walk out the door.

"I thought I was sleeping" she said at a whisper making it hard for him to even hear her.

"You were" he said walking out the front door and down the lawn.

He crawled into the back seat not being able to let her go.

"Is she dead check her pulse" the nurse said while she drove off quickly to the hospital.

"Yes, she has a pulse but it's weak" he said watching as one of his tears landed on her cheek. He didn't even realize that he was crying till then. He swiped his thumb across her cheek wiping the tear.

"You have to be alive. You have to stay alive Moon" he said pulling her into him even closer and letting his head rest in the crook of her neck. He began to cry even heavier while he gripped onto her for dear life. He felt as her body grew weaker and weaker, he felt that she was truly not ok.

"Ayla" he shook her trying to keep her here just for a little longer.

"Stay- I thought you would stay" he sobbed and feeling more and more of her leave him.

"We're here hurry" the nurse said pulling him out the car. He quickly took off into a run into the hospital.

"Help I need help" he sobbed while a group of people ran to him and tried helping her.

"Here let us take her we'll help her" the doctor said trying to get her on the gurney. Cyrus cried not wanting to let her go. He physically couldn't let his grip go, he never wanted to leave her. He wanted to hold her forever. Other doctors and nurses had to come and yank him off her. Once they finally succeeded his whole body felt like it was on fire. He dropped to his knees crying out for her.

"It's ok they have her now" the nurse said pulling her hands over his shoulders.

"What if that was the last time I held her? what if that was it!?" he cried out.

"It's ok, she's going to be ok" the nurse said pulling him up from the floor and to the seat that wasn't very far from him.

"Go ahead and cry" she said sitting him down.

"I want her back, I want to feel her again" he whispered to himself while shutting his eyes in attempt to stop the flood of tears.

"You will hold her again ok? Just wait" she said.

"You will hold her again ok? Just wait" she said

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