chapter two

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there will be a * when you should start the song!


If I was asked just yesterday what I'd be doing for my twentieth birthday, I can assure you that going to a strip club, that I didn't even know existed until a couple hours ago, definitely would not have crossed my mind.

With every step further into this club, I feel the need to do a double take at what I'm actually seeing. Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana vibrates through the large speakers as several sweaty bodies, most if not all half naked, pass by us.

As we slip further into the crowd, different shades of purple lights beam down onto separate parts of the club and illuminate our skin, making it appear as a light violet color.

We pass by the bar and I can't help but notice that even the bartenders are barely dressed in anything. I can't imagine the amount of confidence someone must have to be able to walk around in front of strangers, barely clothed and yet still be able to appear so comfortable.

We enter into the main area of the club and the large room has four different poles, each in separate areas. Surrounding the poles are black, velvet couches covered in sweaty bodies sitting all over them with some people making out and others, definitely doing more than just that. Each couch has a small table in front of it with its own bucket of ice filled with all sorts of drinks and glasses nearby.

I don't fail to notice the crowd of people surrounding each mini stage, all staring in awe at the girl's dancing. Each girl looks so confident, swaying their hips to the beat of the music and catching the attention of everyone nearby.

I didn't realize that I'd been staring until Val grabs my arm and says "you okay?" Her voice startles me as she tries to shout over the blaring speakers and echoing voices.

"Hm? Oh, yeah! Yeah, I'm really, wow. This is fucking insane." I'm completely transfixed by the energy in the room and Val breaks out into a grin, knowing that this was her idea.

This all just feels like one big dream that I'll eventually wake up from. This is a dream, right? I work at a bookstore for fuck sakes and do not fit in with all these carefree people. I don't know how I'm going to end up surviving the entire night.

Val has definitely noticed that I am feeling a little uneasy about being here so she interlocks her fingers with mine and starts dragging me towards a couch and table.

I see Athena sitting with three shot glasses in front of her, already urging us to hurry up so we can take them.

"Nope, not happening. No more shots for me." I immediately decline her offer, remembering the fire that the liquor left in my throat only a few short hours ago.

I have no idea how people can take countless shots without feeling like they are quite literally dying. There definitely are some people who do get that feeling but somehow fight through it and keep drinking. Me on the other hand, I can't and will not go through that.

"It will take your mind off things, I swear. Look."

Just as I am about to question what Val means by this, she is tipping her head back and bringing a shot glass to her lips.

As she begins to lower the now empty shot glass back onto the table, she turns to face me again. I immediately drop my jaw and widen my eyes at her.

"Did you just take a shot of-" I pause and grab the shot glass, bringing it up to my mouth to try and determine what in the hell this is. Now realizing what this liquid is, I raise my eyebrows at her. "Straight tequila and not a single face of disgust?"

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