chapter ten

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hi...we updated earlier today so if you haven't read that yet, go read it first!


I gasp when I hear his voice, not expecting it to affect me the way it does.

I'm still standing at the door, clutching the knife in my hand, unable to move. Before I open the door, I take a deep breath and try to control my breathing. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Everything is going to be okay. I'm not alone, I have my three best friends with me. I grab the metal door handle and slowly twist it before pulling it towards me. I keep the majority of my body hidden behind the door and poke my head out from the side, unsure as to why he's showing up in the middle of the night.

I immediately notice how different he looks. His eyes are red and his pupils are extremely dilated, almost making me worried. His hair is wet, most likely from walking here in the rain, and his clothes are soaked. He's also trembling. I take a step back, allowing him to enter my apartment but still wanting to keep a distance.

I'm terrified of him, but I can't let him stay out there when he clearly needs help. The moment he steps into my apartment, he's pacing in the foyer and seems to be panicking. He clenches his fists in his hair, slightly tugging at it as he grinds his teeth together.

"Steph, can you come here!" ​​I yell across the apartment, not wanting to leave Harry alone but also not making this any bigger than it needs to be. I just want to help him and have him go home, nothing else.

Steph comes running in with a blanket wrapped around her. "Hey, is everything- Harry!" Her face breaks out into a smile when she first sees him but she immediately looks concerned when she takes a closer look.

"What's wrong with him, Steph?" As I wait for a response, my brow furrows.

"I think he's high. I just- he never acts like this. He's usually in a good mood when he's on drugs and it seems like he's panicking right now." She takes a step closer to him. "Harry?"

"What the fuck do you want?" He growls back at her. My face scrunches up and I take a step back, scared that he might become violent. I know in my heart that sober Harry wouldn't lay a hand on me without permission but this is different. He's not his usual self.

"Please let us help you. I'll give you something to change into and then we can take you home." I speak up just loud enough for him to hear, but he keeps pacing and glares at me.

"Do you think I want your help right now? I don't need anybody's fucking help. I'm fine on my own." He walks further into my apartment, now entering my kitchen and going straight to the refrigerator. Okay then, help yourself to anything you want.

"Can I make you something to eat or get you some water?" I mumble. I know I should hate him and shouldn't help him but he isn't himself right now.

"God, you're really annoying. Did you know that?" He rumbles back, making Steph immediately defend me.

"Harry, calm down! We're trying to help you. Just please sit down and let us know what you're on or how we can help you," Steph says calmly and takes my hand in hers, squeezing and holding on.

"Leave me alone for fucks sake. I just-" He itches his nose as he speaks and it begins to bleed all over his hand and the kitchen floor.

"Harry! Stay right there, I'm going to get you tissues." I rush into the living room, give Val and Athena a quick explanation, and ask them to stay on the couch before I sprint back into the kitchen. I go to hand him a tissue but he throws it on the counter and wipes his nose with the back of his sleeve.

He's definitely on cocaine. I gasp, realizing that that was the drug that killed my father and tears well up in my eyes. I'm okay, I just need to help Harry get home safely and I can worry about myself later.

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