chapter nine

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After Harry pulled up to my apartment last night, I immediately jumped out of his car without even thanking him or saying goodbye. I was too terrified to say anything at all. I couldn't get up the elevator fast enough, running in and finally jumping into Val's arms when my eyes met with hers.

Last night was probably the scariest night of my life. I watched Harry pretty much kill somebody and then he admitted to me that he was a murderer. No innocent person would ever pretend to be a murderer.

I was in such shock and was so horrified that I couldn't even speak to Val. I just needed her to hold me and tell me that everything was okay. I was too shaken up to form words, tears, or anything at all. I was just sitting there frozen. How did the night progress into what it was so quickly? One moment we were fine and the next moment I was afraid to even look in his direction.

Anyways, I woke up a few minutes ago with a pounding headache, just being the cherry on top for the past twenty four hours. I'm too scared to tell Val what really happened last night -  one of the reasons being that Harry told me not to and the other being that she probably wouldn't believe me. Who would believe me if I told them that he killed somebody in front of me?

I carefully lift my head off my pillow and roll over, seeing that Val's already out of bed. I peel myself out from under the duvet and quietly walk to the bathroom, rubbing my Cerave face wash into my skin and then brushing my teeth. It was one of those nights where even though I slept for over eight hours, I still woke up exhausted because I'm mentally drained and just need time to recharge.

My footsteps lead me to the kitchen and I see Val's smiling face seated at the island. "Hi, babe! How are you feeling?" She offers me a small wave and pours me a cup of coffee from the coffee pot. Even though we didn't talk about last night, she knows something happened. She can just sense it from the way I'm moping around.

"Hi, Val. I'm okay, not feeling the best but I'll survive. I really appreciate you staying with me last night." I give her a half smile as I sit down next to her at the counter.

"I won't ever push you to tell me something you don't want to but if you would like to talk about last night, we always can." She fixes her hair and conceals the nervous tone in her voice.

"I want to tell you, I just need some time to process it. Thank you for always being patient with me, it means more to me than you can imagine." I lean in and give her a hug, her body heat radiating onto mine. She always gives the warmest hugs.

"I love you and I hope you're okay," she mumbles and it takes her a second to pull away from the hug but when she does, we just sit silently for a moment.

I know that I need to have a conversation with her about what happened but I also know that I need to fully understand what happened before I try and tell somebody else. I'm also scared that if I tell her, Harry will somehow find out and end up being mad at me. He's someone I do not want mad at me. Honestly, I thought it would hit me sooner that he actually killed someone, but that hasn't happened yet. Am I supposed to report him to the police? Is he some crazy serial killer that is hiding from the FBI? Everything about Harry last night makes me think about what Lucy told me. 

I can't allow myself to get lost in my thoughts for the rest of the day; it's unhealthy and I'll just feel even worse about the situation. "Do you think I can invite Athena and Steph, the girl from the club, over for dinner? I think having some people to distract me might be beneficial. Plus, you can finally meet Steph," I ask.

"It's your apartment, you can do whatever you want! If you think that would help you then I think it's a great idea and I would love to meet Steph." She squeezes both of my hands before standing up and washing the dishes in my sink. That's one of the things I love most about her. She always helps me out when I'm struggling and I don't even need to ask for it, she just senses it.

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