Chapter 9

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164XY had been painting all day, one of his favourite past times. He stepped back from his artwork utterly confused at what he'd created.

Sensing a disturbance within his brother 626XY came over to him, his face showing the exact same expression of bewilderment.

"Who is that?" He asked as he looked at the painting but his lips remained still.

164XY continued to stare at his creation, his grey-blue eyes tracing the colours and shapes on the canvas. "I do not know...I just...painted."

626XY's green eyes scanned the portrait in the exact same way as his twin did. When the brothers interlocked minds they commonly expressed the same body language and expressions.

 "It's not one of the Caregivers or..."

"...the girl from our dreams..." 164XY finished off his sentence.

" it?" 626XY asked, confused he didn't know something his brother did.

 "I don't know..." He turned to his brother, making eye contact. "I....I don't remember painting this....this is not what I was painting..."

"What's wrong with her eyes?" 626XY inquired, knowing his brother probably didn't know either.

164XY shook his head, just as disturbed at his creation as his twin.

Although 626XY was freaked out, he was determined not to show his brother even if he could sense his feelings.

"I don't understand....what is going on in the it a Dali?"

 "It's not a Dali...I have never seen this image before..."

Only ever replicating impressions of other artwork, 164XY's imagination had never excelled due to improper exercising.

626XY handed a paintbrush to his brother.

"You need to paint over this...I don't think the Caregivers would like this..."

164XY nodded, thinking the same thing.

Before they chucked paint across the paper he took one final look at the image though he was sure he would never forget.

The artwork was of a young woman with long auburn hair. She was strapped to a chair surrounded by red light. Fixed upon her head was a pair of goggles, her face full of pain.

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