Chapter 33

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Toki was still lying in the foreign bed, the mattress so soft she sank into the feathers. She twisted in the Egyptian cotton that caressed her body, keeping her warm. The fibers held her like a butterfly in a cocoon, security that soothed her.

Nuns should never indulge in such comforts or luxury, but Toki was consumed in this overpowering space. Her body exhaled into relaxation.

Darkness sealed her from reality. The silent room was filled to the brim with an atmosphere as black and cool as the night which kept Toki calm, a safety blanket more than the cotton covers themselves.

In this isolation, happiness consoled her. She traced in her mind the encounter of Kwan. Not only was he right before her eyes, but she could touch him too. Intense guilt for her behaviour dominated her feelings. She was forbidden to lay so intimately with a man.

Throughout her life, she'd avoided experiences and situations such as with Kwan, never needing the comfort of a man yet this had felt so right.

As he touched her bare arms his electricity, his soul, his warmness had caused her body to tingle in a way no other human had. He strengthened her raw soul and consoled her during her darkest of hours.

What would have happened to her if he hadn't come to her rescue? She was grateful he'd snapped her out of from Shike Yongrui's trance.

She prayed Kwan would come back soon. She couldn't resist his very being and although he was a tortured soul she recognised herself in him.

Underneath his pain lay a compassionate man with a gift she could relate to. She didn't see him in a romantic light, however. Rejecting her religion for the flesh of a man wasn't who she was.

Toki couldn't help but wonder how she could feel so close to someone so many miles away when her Sisters she'd known for years were so distant to her?

Only Kwan could save them from Yongrui's true intentions, whatever they may be. Darkness loomed around him that she couldn't even begin to understand. He'd bent her mind to have unquestionable faith in him, when in truth she'd nothing but doubt.

Why would he force anyone against their own will to think such thoughts? What does he gain from manipulating my Sisters' mind to his advantage? Toki searched herself and couldn't find a valid reason.

Yongrui had full control not only of the nunnery's life but many of the nuns' thoughts it would seem. Was that why they rejected Sato from the art class? Did she not conform to Yongrui's ways?

Kwan had spoken of a woman named Aradia. She may have even dreamed of her before. She didn't always hear names of the victims she envisioned. Whoever this enigmatic woman was Toki wanted to make contact.  The overwhelming urge to unite all the people like her, people whose minds were opened was too strong to ignore.

Reciting all the details of Aradia Kwan had told her she tried to visualise her but couldn't sense her presence. She wondered what Aradia the strong yet wounded woman was like. No doubt that she was someone Toki could relate to more than her Sisters. She couldn't bear the pain Aradia had been through and couldn't shake the horrifying idea of egg harvesting for artificial conception, especially against her will. How could someone be so cruel as to put a woman through such things?

The paper door gliding against the wooden frame dispersed the calm and silent ambiance along with Toki's wondering contemplation.

A figure hobbled into the room. Sunlight poured from the corridor abling her to see the body give a respectable bow.

"Toki, it's a new day. Shike Yongrui summoned me to see to you. He said you were unwell. Do you feel ready to get up? Zazen will begin soon."

She recognised the kind and familiar voice to be Akako.

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