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3rd person pov

"Good Morning, Mr.Jeon, Please take your seat." said the older with professionalism oozing in his deep voice.

The voice and the tone made Jungkook shiver a little, but he's seen better than that. As much as he wanted to correct the surname, he knew that he can't so he remained silent when taking the seat, returning a smile.

"Morning, Mr.Kim" said Jungkook in the most flirtous tone that he can muster at the moment, he can bet that he saw the twitch of annoyance in the latter's face.

"What brings you here, Mr.Jeon." tried Tae to act all cool and composed that Jungkook almost believed it to be real, keyword:almost.

"Nothing, just a professional meet up and a little surprise for you, I guess."

"I don't see any need for you to meet me up, Mr.Jeon, but I've see-

"Oh, but I believe you see it, now." Said showing some envelope, neatly sealed.

Taehyung whose, Patience wearing off little by little, muttered "Get to the point, Jeon."

"Always straight to the matter, yea?? Okay.... so When I came across your company collaboration idea a few days ago, I was impressed, so I came to meet the mind behind such a project, and obviously, to confirm the collaboration." Jungkook said the last few parts in a tone that he didn't use so far. While tossing the envelope across the desk for the latter's reach.

With Taehyung

"- so When I came across your company collaboration idea a few days ago, I was impressed, so I came to meet the mind behind such a project, and obviously, to confirm the collaboration."

When these words left the younger's lips, Taehyung could feel the seriousness and professional in the tone of the younger, that infact took him a little off-guard.

Nodding in return Taehyung mumbled a tiny, "Thankyou I guess?" He was feeling mixed emotions about it.

He was relieved because he knew that this collaboration would help him survive. At the same time found it a little fishy, why would the younger search up for the project he proposed nearly a month ago.

"You have to meet Mr.Je- my dad, by tomorrow, so be prepared for the presentation, Mr.Kim." said Jungkook before standing up and extending his hand for a Handshake, ofcourse, a very professional way.

After Jungkook exited the room, Taehyung released the breath he was holding for so long, without himself noticing, the tension still seemes unsettled in the atmosphere, that it made him wonder why the younger had such a impact on him.

When he closed his eyes to get back the composure, all he could remember was the delicate yet predominant features of the younger. His scent that lingered in the room, intoxicated the mind of the CEO.

The younger sure know how to drive he crazy. And funny that he just started and the CEO already seems like a miserable victim.

He exhaled exhausted, "I have to prepare a presentation now."

Before coming up with this shitty plan of making the younger fall for him, to get revenge and all (which he still isn't sure of) Taehyung actually wanted a collaboration with the said company, no matter how much he dislikes the company, it was still one of the top company in country, the collaboration would sure help the company.


The younger obviously knew that his father would always keep his where-abouts on check, so he purposely didn't skip his guards.

Though there are about 20 guards to keep Junghae updated about Jungkook's locational information, he always found a way to sneak past them, he was not sure whether it was because he was extremely smart or they were just simply so dumb.

Back to the story, so when Jungkook came back to his house late at night after partying at some random club, he met Mr.Jeon at the living room, when he as per the plan, went past him, ignoring the elder's existence,

"Why did you meet up with Enigma's CEO today?"

Jungkook stopped on his steps, he stood there for barely for a few seconds before continuing to march towards his room.

"I think I asked you a question Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook halted abruptly before throwing a annoyed glanced on Mr.Jeon, he eyes showed anger but also held a bit of fear. Such a fine actor he is.

"Are you stalking me Mr.Jeon?" Jungkook asked with his eyebrows raised.

"I can't believe you started to whore around now-"

"So fucking unbelievable, but again what can I expect from you? For your information,when I was going through some company's files when you practically dragged me into your mess of a company that day, I found his proposal for a collaboration and found it quite useful, so I went to meet him regarding that, after asking some basic information about whether the project really is worth it..........and you have a meeting with him tomorrow about the project's ideas, later you can make the final decision.
And if I knew once again about you stalking me, I'll make sure to ruin-"

At this point Junghae wasn't interested in listening to whatever his son was sputtering, he wanted to know why the younger was interested on That project.

"Are you perhaps interested in him or something?" asked Junghae in complete mockery.

"I- I don't ha- have, clears his throat any such interests in him, and STOP meddling in my freaking life." Jungkook said in a usual tone that he uses when he gets caught in a mess.

Gotcha thought Junghae seeing Jungkook shutter. He may or maynot have done a background check on the young CEO because of his son's earlier meeting with him, as far as he got the information, I mean he got those practically in a day so he wasn't sure how much of that is true, but honestly speaking, it wasn't like he was soo worried for his son that he immediately started to check about the CEO.

Frankly, all he wanted to know was, the CEO's nature,whether the person can be manipulated or not.. The young CEO is hardworking and efficient.

That's the only thing many people chanted about him.

He didn't knew what to feel about that, he wanted a puppet that can run his business, he can't let outsiders in, because of- yea, the bloodline shits, which is now, as he knew is impossible Forcing Jungkook will only bring hell to earth in the company. So he went for the possible plan B.

He was planning in the back of his mind about marrying Jungkook to one of his puppets, it's not like he cared about his so-called-son, he was so ready to sell him off, for the company, as an exchange.

But he knew Jungkook, he knew that, even if Jungkook fears him, he will not hesitate to pull a skit in public and ruin his image, he definitely doesn't want that.

So Right now, all Junghae planned was If ever, like EVER, Jungkook got in a relationship with the latter or anyone, he should be able to get, ahold of the person. Like how a loyal dog obeys it's master, mindlessly.

But if only he knows, that Taehyung isn't any lapdog but a cunning fox, plotting against his company.


When everyone believes they're successfully playing with Jungkook's life. But it's Kookie who's actually the one playing. 🤭😂

How do you think all this mess will go? Will they fall for each other? Or grow more hate towards one another?


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