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3rd person pov

Taehyung's annoyed expression soon turned into a rather bitter one. The call, was from his Advocate. He needed the file he went to look for at the archives that day.

The good damn day, the freaking kiss happened.

Taehyung's lawyer asked for the file. It's been months since the CEO is collecting all possible informations about Jeon Enterprises, illegal transactions, tax invasion, corruption and so much more.

One way or the other, he for sure, is going to put an end to the Jeon Enterprises. Periodt.

He groaned loudly, lazily got off the couch, that he was more than comfortable in. He dragged himself to the washroom, took a quick and a much needed hot shower.

He came back to the guest room, more like Taehyung's room, and took a classic three piece suit that he always wears.

After wearing his clothes and styling his hair back, Taehyung walked out of the apartment, with a grumbling stomach. Sighing softly, he pulled out his car from the parking lot and drove straight to Enigma.

He reached the familiar building that he would proudly AND confidently call his.

The CEO took long strides in the building in a hurry, but not once failing to smile back at each and every employee that greeted him at the way. After reaching a certain floor, the elevator dinged.

Taehyung stepped out of the elevator, and walked in a bee-line towards his Office Room. He sat back in the magnificent leather chair.

He was signing some files and noting the corrections when his office Lane line rang.

Taehyung attended the call, his secretary informed him that Mr.Lawrence, Taehyung's Lawyer is here to meet him.

The CEO sighed softly and asked his secretary to permit the guest.

"Good afternoon, Mr.Kim."

"Afternoon Lawrence."

"Mr. Kim, I believe that you still remember the files that I asked from you-" the lawyer started.

"Um-- about that- err-- Lawrence, I'm actually kind of stuck- I didn't bring the file, I'll try to get it-"

"No, No Mr.Kim, actually about that-- When I was thinking about it I just felt like, the case-- I mean the file-- the information was long ago- I mean-- um- you see, it's been years- so it--"

"To the point Lawrence." Taehyung said curtly. He can see where this is going, and he's not really liking the path.

"The Forgery happened nearly 15 years ago if I'm not wrong, there might be a lot of loops holes and not to mention, the possibility of the file being lost or destroyed, so what I thought is that, a new or more hot transaction would be a better litigation to file against a big shot like the Jeons."

Taehyung's eyes darkened at the mention of the Jeons, he felt the anger surging through his veins at the mere thought of Injustice for his Father's death.

He gritted his teeth before muttering, "So what, I have to wait all my life until the Jeons ruin or plan to ruin someone else's life, then not do anything but let it all happen, and THEN fucking finally I submit all the oh-so-intelligently collected informations to the court? How amazing?"

The sarcastic note in Taehyung's tone didn't affect the Advocate at all.

It rather seemed like he was anticipating for such a response, he sighed out aloud before responding,

"Taehyung, I can feel you anger, it's not like your father or you, yourself will NEVER get the Justice that you deserve. I'll not let your Dad's death and your hardwork go in vain.

But, What I'm trying to tell you is, more bigger the fire is, more vulerable the prey is, for the attacks. Once a sensational, blackmark worthy misconduct about the infamous Jeon Enterprises comes out, they'll basically be thrown under the tire, stripped out of their powers and contacts,

And that would be our golden ticket. It's easy to row a boat in a moving hazy River."

Taehyung placed his fingers on the bridge if his nose.

"And when would that HoT SenSatIonaL TraNsaCtiOn be done? After an eternity?"

"After Seven Months." Lawrence stated making Taehyung straighten his back and pay more attention to whatever is being said.

"Jeon Enterprises has taken control of a major Million Dollar project from an infamous organization. What many doesn't know is that, that Organization comes under the wings of the Local Terrorists, so basically, the Jeons are funding for the Weaponry inside the National Borders. Rumors has it in the air that, Mr.Jeon already know about this.

I think, it's time for you to play as well. You don't have much time left Taehyung, you have to gain his trust, become a part of his trusted circle, and all this has to be done, within the seven months that we are left with."

Taehyung fell in a pit of thoughts, and all of a sudden the engagement rather felt like a good fortune, infact a very good one.

"I think I'm already getting close to the "circle", Junghae wants me to declare my relationship with the sweet Jungkookie to the public, I think things are just falling in place." Voiced out Taehyung, air-quoting the circle part.

"Then I guess, every moment from now on, is the way to your destiny.

Destiny? Funny how people run behind this seven letter word, foolishly. And Taehyung is one among the fools, without any doubt.

'That's definitely a point for me, Jeon.' Thought Taehyung while his lips curved up in a smirk.

"Every moment? Good then--"

Taehyung was distracted by the call, he received from none other than, Jeon Jungkook.

"--it's all perfect, for now."


Taehyung and Jungkook was sitting in the restaurant waiting for their order to reach the table. Jungkook, as usual, was looking around with a bored expression adorning his pretty face.

Taehyung reached out and held Jungkook's hand all of a sudden making the latter, nervous. Jungkook absolutely felt the change in Taehyung's attitude and actions through his veins, and the mere thought made him nothing but nervous.

Kook mentally rolled his eyes, at the butterflies that swooned in his tummy, when Taehyung placed a soft kiss at the back of his palm. "When I rethink, I guess, as YOU said, we must really get used to this." The hot blush that crept in Jungkook's face wasn't helping, AT ALL.

He looked anywhere but at Taehyung and when he felt the cascade of emotions wash over him, Jungkook knew that he was a goner.

He lost the upper arm in this dirty game, and is falling-- for the man, who, is anything, but genuine with him. He's fallen for a man, just like his Mom did.

And at that moment, he realized that, He, himself, is nothing different from his mom.

He realized that, he's fallen for someone, who is no different that his Father, and their story, is nothing but an perfect epitome for the saying, History repeats itself.

And Jungkook can bet on his life that, it's not gonna be a very pleasant fairytale, this time either


I already feel bad for Jungkook!! And do you all thing that Taehyung is just another Junghae?

Do you think, Jungkook will ever believe otherwise? Will Taehyung give him reasons to believe otherwise?


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