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3rd person pov

Taehyung sat inert in his position, with a blank expression. When Jungkook was lost in his line of thoughts, Taehyung was tangled up in his own web.

He was scared of Mia's reaction, yeah! he wanted the possessions and wealth, but Engagement! Marriage! he isn't ready for such a step.

He was a mess, a complete mess. His mind was entirely clogged after the kiss with the Jeon Jungkook. It really is true that a kiss is never just a kiss.

Not that he felt all the emotions that Jungkook felt, but still- there's something that's happening in him, that confuses himself. He looked up at Jungkook who was equally immersed as Taehyung in his own thoughts.

The CEO cleared his throat in order to get the younger's attention, in which he succeeded. The doe eyed male looked up at him, eyes devoid of emotion as usual. For real, Taehyung is very curious about what would get the younger worked up? What would even bring emotions out of the Ice Cold heir?

He for sure have witnessed the younger express something in the art gallery that evening, but, that is all, that he has ever seen. And the fact that he still couldn't pin point what that "something" is riles him up.

The younger is just a box of mystery for Taehyung, and Box he wants to decode and open, and find the darkest and deepest desires and secrets.

Taehyung shook his head immediately, getting out of the gutter.

"Um- So, What's up?" Asked Taehyung.

"The ceiling." Answered Jungkook making Taehyung roll his eyes mentally.

"Abou- about the Engagement, you sure this would work out. I mean we just-"

"I am as confused as you are Taehyung, but I think this is something we both have seen coming, desired coming, one way or the other, for different reasons of course, but we still saw it coming, didn't we?"

The words of Jungkook made Taehyung fall back into train of thoughts, digging up a million queries, 'does he-' Jungkook's lips immediately curved up in a fake smile, making Taehyung sigh internally.

Taehyung threw back an equally fake smile, "Yea, I guess we did see it, we did desire it."

Both conversed with eachother just perfectly, without actually even conversing, does that even make sense? Probably no, but it made perfect sense to both the males present at the room.

Both were as determined, Stubborn and hard-headed as the other. Both had as many secrets as the other held, and both hated each other with passion as much as the other hated them, and finally both were attracted to one another, just as much as the other was attracted, hopelessly.

They exactly know the impact they have on the other, and they, yet again, perfectly knew, How much impact the other have on them either.

But they simply just chose not to acknowledge the said informations, afraid of the uncertain future.

"Good then, let's get ready for the engagement, future fiancée" said Jungkook making both Taehyung and himself cringe mentally.

Jungkook got up abruptly from his seat, took a few steps towards the older, leaned down, pecked his lips sweetly, "Maybe, we should get used to this more, for the future" said Jungkook and exited the room, but not before throwing wink at the CEO, his lips carved up in a sexy smirk.

'If life is giving me all these lemons, lemme make some good lemonade' thought Jungkook while touching his lips.

Taehyung touched his lips, looking Dumbfounded. He immediately shook his head, got up from his seat and dashed out the room. He gotta have some serious conversations with one person, Kang Mia.

"Mia- I swear-- I didn't see that coming-- you know I didn-"

"Oh my gosh Tae!! Shut up! Lemme think for a minute. And no, I'm not angry at all, I know how much you dislike the boy, so- wait, let me think." Said Kang Mia, cutting off a rambling Taehyung.

"Why would Mr.Jeon get his son married to someone he barely know? Isn't it fishy?" Mia asked the question that has been bugging her from the Taehyung said everything that happened in the office.

"True that he barely know me, but he is was not so low-key showing his interest over me, he always hunched about his son to me, and not to mention the amount of times he personally invited me to have dinner or lunch at his residence, which I, of course, refused politely." reasoned out Taehyung.

"But why? Is the real question here Taehyung, Why You? Why Enigma, No offense, but Enigma is very small, economically very less productive compared to 'The Jeon Enterprises', yet, it's you that he showed interest in." remarked Mia, air-quoting the Company's name.

"It's very simple Mia, he's that spoiling father who gets anything their child wish for. And I'm that Desired toy for Jeon Jungkook. Nothing more and certainly, nothing less.

Taehyung's eyes darkened at the mention of the younger. His mind drifted back to the kisses he shared with the heir. He thought about the raw emotions in their first kiss and how that was no where to be seen in the second.

He wondered why? But the CEO didn't want to think more about it, cause a very smug looking Mia shook him to death all of a sudden.

"What?" Snapped Taehyung which had no impact on the girl, she rather looked lazily at him. Her lips immediately tugged up in a knowing smile, which screamed Danger to Taehyung.

"What, what?? Thinking about the kiss you shared with your boy?"

"Mia, I swear-- sometimes you're just so-"



"Oh! Fuck off!! You still didn't correct when I said yours though-" Said Mia raising up the finger to her boyfriend, mumbling the lats part.

"Anyways, how was it?"

"How was what?"

"The K-I-S-S~~" Mia, spelled out to Taehyung, as if he didn't know the spelling.

"Seriously!?!? You're my girl-fucking-friend for heaven's sake." said a grossed out Taehyung, he sometimes really wondered if the girl escaped from any asylum.

"You're no fun! But just so you know, A kiss is never just a kiss, moron." bite back Mia, and walked out of the room, not before smacking the other with the pillow.

Taehyung went behind her, just to find Mia, wearing her wrist watch, the girl was already in the suit, ready for some work when Taehyung not-so-pleasantly invited himself over her place.

"I have an important meeting Mr.Kim, so I'm leaving, there's some lasagna left in the microwave, heat it up if you're hungry." She said whilst wearing her shoes.

"I wonder if their edible." Mumbled Taehyung only to get hit stuff toy, that was placed at the cabinet near the entrance. Seriously, who the fuck keeps a plushie in the entrance?

"I actuallu ordered it, but hey-- I cook just fine!! Asshole."

Mia, exited the apartment leaving back Taehyung all by himself.

'Just so you know, A kiss is never just a kiss.'

Taehyung mind reminded the words of Mia.

"This girl is seriously eating my head off."

Taehyung shook his head, and went over to the couch, laid back comfortably, and played The Bachelor series.

He phone rang diverting his attention, he attended the call annoyed as ever.

But his annoyed expression soon changed into-


What do you think is gonna happen after the engagement or the wedding? Wait, are you guys sure there's gonna be a "wedding"?


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