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3rd person pov

Taehyung waited in their couch for Jungkook to get ready, so that they can leave for his in-law's home to have dinner.

It was just as cliché and cringey as it sounded.

He looked at his watch for the n-th time and mumbled profanities under his breath. He pouted when the younger got home late.

He just wanna sleep soon, he didn't want to meet his father-in-law. Not now, not ever.

He just didn't wanna meet the man at all, but he knew that isn't possible, he couldn't even reject an invitation, let alone, not meet him at all. So, anyways, here he was, waiting for his husband.

"He told me, he'd get back soon, but look at him, getting home fifteen minutes late than usual, and we're late. Ughhh- that man will eat my ears off talking shit if I get there early too. But still-"

His self ramble was interrupted by sound of Jungkook's door clicking open.

He turned his head towards the door as an immediate response to the external stimuli, he looked the younger wearing a plain black shirt and white ripped jeans looking dashing.

"It's illegal to look that good." Taehyung thought to himself, gulping without his knowledge.

He felt his throat go dry, but he chose not to spill words as usual. He shouldn't be talking with the younger.

He don't wanna get more attached than he already is, now that he knew who the younger was, it's not good to play with fire.

Taehyung was being extra careful for this span of three months, in order to not give away any information, by mistake, to his possible opponent.

He shook his train of thoughts away and nodded his head towards the younger asking silently whether the other one is ready or not.

Jungkook nodded back as an answer and chose to remain silent too. He could see the younger bouncing his legs, shuffling the weight from one leg to the other.

Taehyung wore his infamous frown, but he Reasoned out to himself that, 'Maybe excited to meet his dad?'

The older shrugged his shoulder and walked towards the door, following the younger silently.


The dinner went smoothly for Jungkook's relief. His so-called dad didn't even bother to throw him a second glance.

'Maybe he just wanted to see Taehyung, that's why he invited us for a dinner?'

Thought jungkook but either ways, he enjoyed being ignored by the duo, who was having some boring business talk.

Jungkook just looked at them from Time to time, but other than that, he had his dinner in silence, savoring the taste of the food, enjoying his time, being ignored.

Taehyung was answering each question shot towards him with ease, he even questioned back Junghae a few times, making the conversation flow easily like an river during monsoon.

And the man really was looking at Junghae with an .....awe? Atleast that's what Jungkook thought it was. Every upcoming looked at his Dad in an awe, with respect whoozing through their eyes.

Jungkook knew that his father, is a role model for some people out there, but all he could pray for is that- no one should turn into a monster like that.

Taehyung even asked a few questions regarding investment and all that, he clearly seem to be interested and dazed by his dad. He had this one look that we all will wear whilst we see our idols.

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