06. falling

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Hyun Joo wakes up to the sound of her alarm clock. She turn it off before pulling her blanket upto her face. "Ughh" She lazily stood up from her bed and takes out her bathrobe from the closet. She opens the door to her bedroom and walks towards the bathroom.

Before she could reach to the bathroom Seo Jun walks out of his bedroom. He walks quickly towards the bathroom when he saw Hyun Joo walking towards it. "Mianha, noona. I need to use it first." He said as soon as he reach the bathroom door and closing it.

Hyun Joo closes her eyes as he closes the door right at her face. She takes a deep breath and clench both of her fist. She punches the air showing her frustation. "Yah! There's literally two bathrooms in this house and you can't go for the other one?" She said practically screaming at him.

"The other bathroom is too stuffy."

She forces a smile on her face and walks to the other bathroom which was located near the kitchen. As it's a guest bathroom, it was just as stuffy as Seo Jun said. She sighed before turning on the light to the bathroom and closing the door.


Seo Jun joins Hyun Joo at the kitchen. Hyun Joo made a simple breakfast for both of them. "Thank you for the food" They said before digging in.

They eat their breakfast quietly ignoring each others presence. Both of them are busy looking at their phone.

Hyun Joo was looking at the cafe she bought the other day. She bought a really small cafe as she was in short of money. She didn't really have to decorate it much as it was only a small cafe with two set of tables and chairs. 'Well, it's better than nothing' she thought to herself.

Seo Jun was reading through the lyric of his debut song. He had done a few touch up here and there the other day but he was still dissatisfied with what he got. Just then his phone rings. He looks at the caller to see Hee Kyung's name. He answers the phone.

Hyun Joo moves towards the sink after finishing her breakfast and gives Seo Jun some privacy while he talks about work. She washes her dish and wipe her hands afterwards. She heads to her bedroom to get her bag and touch up her look.

Seo Jun hangs up his phone and quickly wash his dish. He walks towards the front door and puts on his shoe. He looks at the door before turning around "Noona, shouldn't we set the passcode for the door?"

Hyun Joo walks out of her bedroom while putting on her earrings. She nods at him before putting her shoes on. They both walk out to the front door and take a look at the lock.

"Should we just do something simple?" Hyun Joo asked Seo Jun.


"I don't know just use our birthday or something"

"Yeah, I don't mind."

"So yours?"

"January 19" Hyun Joo nods at his reply before keying 07041901. "Mine is April 7."

Seo Jun bends his body to reach Hyun Joo's height which is a bit shorter than him. He was standing closely behind her.

Hyun Joo turns around to get his confirmation. As they were standing close to each other their nose lightly touch. Their faces were now close to each other.

Seo Jun looks into her eyes, mesmerized by her beauty. It was the look she made when they first ran into each other. He gulp quietly while looking into her eyes.

Hyun Joo completely forgot what she was about to say to him when she saw how close Seo Jun was. She instantly remember the first thing she thought about him when they ran into each other.

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