25. back for good

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Seo Jun smiles at the figure standing by his doorway

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Seo Jun smiles at the figure standing by his doorway. Since the moment they arrived at the house, Hyun Joo could not get her eyes off of him. She only left him to change into better clothes as well as taking a quick shower.

Seo Jun made the bed before turning to face Hyun Joo. "What are you doing there?" Hyun Joo scratches the back of her head thinking of an answer. "No particular reason." Seo Jun chuckles at her innocent side.

"I'm not leaving," He reassured once again. "Why should I trust you on that?" His lips twisted into a smile again. "So, you're sleeping beside me tonight?"

Hyun Joo was flustered at his question that she ended up stuttering with her reply. "No, what makes you think that." She quickly turns around and walks towards her bedroom. Seo Jun lets out a small laugh and shakes his head.

He lifted the blanket and crawled into his bed. Just before he could turn off the light, Hyun Joo walks in with her own pillow and blanket. She laid her blanket down on the floor and proceed on lying down with her pillow.

"Do you really think I would let you sleep down there?" Seo Jun said, following a laugh. "Come here." He tapped on the side of his bed, asking her to join him. Hyun Joo plays around with her fingers, pretending not to hear what he said.

"Do you want me to carry you up here then?" Hyun Joo quickly crawls onto his bed and covers herself with the blanket. He smiles as he likes it when Hyun Joo shows her innocent side to him.

He proceeds to pull the blanket towards him, which makes Hyun Joo turn to his side. "Do you miss me that much?" He said while scooting closer to her.

"No," she scoots further from him. Seo Jun pulled her into a hug before she could fall off from the bed. "You could have hurt your head."

"Fine, but aren't you letting me go? I can't sleep like this. " Hyun Joo looks up to see him closing his eyes and hugging her tighter. "Yah! Isn't this a foul?"

"Why is it a foul?" Seo Jun asked her. "You were gone for a few days, and you came back without an explanation."

"This is me making it up to you," He replied to her. "Hmm?"

Seo Jun opened his eyes to Hyun Joo's red cheeks, which brought a smile on his face. He stroked her hair and pats the back of her head a few times. "I've been thinking a lot and I think... " he puts his chin on top of her head and closes his eyes, "...I really like you."

Hyun Joo smiles in his hold and wraps her arms around Seo Jun's torso. "I like you, too,"

"I know," Seo Jun said with a smug smile. "I mean, how could you not? Everyone would have fallen for this face, " He replied with arrogance

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