09. false news

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Hyun Joo woke up earlier than usual for the past few days. She has also been coming back early from work and lock herself in the room. Seo Jun and her have been a bit distant for the past few days as she have been avoiding him. She wouldn't know how to face him since that night.

She has also been using the car that Han Soo gifted her a few years back.

"Do I really have to?" She said pointing towards the cloth. "Yes" Han Soo and Soo Jin replied. "Trust us, unnie" Soo Jin takes the cloth before blindfolding Hyun Joo.

They guide Hyun Joo to a particular spot and took off her blindfold. "Surprise" Han Soo and Soo Jin said in unison.

"What is this?" Hyun Joo looked at Han Soo and Soo Jin. "Seriously?" Han Soo shakes his head. "Told you she wouldn't like it"

Hyun Joo looks at the car infront of her. Truth be told she never like driving. She did the driving test and passed but she never intend to drive.

"Unnie, you need to face your fears" Hyun Joo looks at Soo Jin with an 'oh really' expression. "Don't make that face" Soo Jin said towards her.

"I'm not afraid. I hate driving. What if it rains?" Hyun Joo reminds both of them. "Then what's the use of your driving license?"

"Only when it's really necessary then I'll drive. For now I still have a lot of options."

"Nope, you're keeping it. Did a lot of advertising gigs just to have enough money to buy one for you." Han Soo said not taking a no for an answer. "Soo Jin had to sell her valuable items to get this too. So have it" He continued before handing Hyun Joo the keys and walking back into the orphanage with Soo Jin by his side.

Hyun Joo had kept the car at the orphanage when she moved into Seo Jun's house. But a few days ago she thought about finally using it since she's trying to avoid Seo Jun. Luckily, it hasn't been raining for a few days.

Hyun Joo gets into the car and drives toward her small cafe, Perfect Brew.


"Again? Why does it looks like she's avoiding me?" Seo Jun hold onto the knob of Hyun Joo's door. This is probably the fifth time of the week to see Hyun Joo's empty bedroom.

"What's weirder is that now she has a car so why the hell she didn't use it all this time?" Seo Jun explained to Chorong. After an early practice, Seo Jun went to the gym with Chorong.

"Isn't that like a good thing, I mean you did said that she was troublesome?"

"I mean yeah... uhm..." he paused to think of an answer. Chorong's right, he did think that she was troublesome but then taking care of her became more like a responsibility. She used to take good care of his mother and till this day she still send his mother and Gowoon food. So, it's fair if he takes good care of her. "You know what, yeah maybe it is a good thing" he said, unsure of his own reply.


"Aishh" he waved the thought away and ignore Chorong's question. "Help me with the confession thing" Chorong nods at him while taking a seat opposite him.

Seo Jun takes a deep breath before facing towards Chorong, "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

Chorong looks at Seo Jun before holding onto his chest. "My heart... my heart is pounding crazily!" Chorong said multiple times. "Yah, Seo Jun-ah. Just do that"


"She wouldn't be able to refuse"

Seo Jun nods before practicing the line with Chorong again.

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