Chapter 1:Welcome Back?

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   Derek lands on the metallic floor of cybertron, he looks around the area to see the others around them.

"Everyone made it out safely?" Derek asks, getting nods out of the others. He then looks around the area, seeing how big the area was.

"So..What now-


We all jumped, hearing metal clashing from the distance. Derek could only figure out that a fight was going on.

"What was that?!" Aubrey exclaims, looking towards where they could hear it.

Derek glares straight ahead, and starts to run towards the sounds.

"Idk what it could be, but they might need our help!" Derek exclaims, grabbing a metal cube from his pocket and throwing it to the ground as it transforms into their Camaro.

He then runs up, jumping through the driver's window and going behind the wheel.

"Come on! We have no time to waste...."

The three nod, running towards the car and jumping into the passenger seats.

"Everyone ready!?" Derek asks the others, getting a yes or nod out of them.

"Then let's get to it..."


  Traveling through cybertron as they get closer and closer towards the potential fighting, they soon arrive and see two new-

"PREDACONS?!" Mateo yells out from the passenger seat

I thought Predaking was the only one?!" Aubrey questions Derek

Derek sees Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen fighting them

"Apparently not anymore, and it seems like Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen need our help!" Derek exclaims, pushing the nitrous button and driving to the scene.

Getting closer and closer, Derek looks over to Aubrey

"Aubrey, you know what to do"

Aubrey nods, slowly lifting their hands as her hair and hands start to glow.

As it was happening, Derek pulls his out the window

"Watch out!"

The Transformers look towards the coming car towards them as it drifts to a close as the ground starts the lift.

"Derek?!" Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen exclaim

"Projectile coming your way!" Derek warns, as a metal like pillar comes towards them making Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen jump out the way with the pillar hitting the two Predacons.

Derek drifts to a close as the Predacons slam into a wall.

"Good job Aubrey, your powers are getting better"

"Thanks Derek!" Aubrey says catching their breath


"Hmm?" Derek looks towards the voice to see Smokescreen running towards the car.

"Oh hey Smokescreen!" Derek exclaims as he and his friends get out of the car with him grabbing his cube again as it transforms back.

"I thought you weren't coming back!" Smokescreen questions as Ultra Magnus comes up to them.

"Yeah we'll explain later, but right now we need to get to a safer place! Derek explains as he pointed at the Predacons slowly getting back up.

"He's right" Ultra Magnus answers, turning on his comlink

"Soundwave, we need a groundbridge"

Magnus looks over to Derek and his Friends

"And we'll be bring some old friends of ours..."

Derek smiles as the groundbridge soon opens and they run through it as the Predacons run towards them right before it closes behind them


Derek looks around, seeing almost everyone else there looking at them

"Hey guys I'm back...."

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