Chapter 10:The Awakening

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The next few days come by, Mateo and Aubrey had came home two days ago from earth after meeting Bumblebees team.

Derek still stayed in his workshop mostly but he was less tired at least after that night with Tanya.

Today, Derek was working inside his car back at his workplace, filling up something when he hears his phone ringing.

"Who could be calling me at this hour?"

He got out his car, pulling out his phone and sees who's calling them

"Mega? Why is he calling?"

Clicking the answer button, he puts the phone on his ear, hearing the sudden rapid talking through it

"Woah woah, Mega calm down, what's wrong?"

He hears Mega take a deep breath, calming down from the other side

"We have a's about Megatron"

Derek froze as he heard those words, hoping it's not what he thinks it is

"Shit! I'm coming Mega!"

"Come to Medic room!"

(At the doctors workplace)

Derek stopped his car at the entrance, getting out his car then running through the entrance.

He goes over to the front desk, seeing a cybertroinan there

"Excuse me?"

The bot looks down to see Derek

"Yes? You have an appointment?"

"Umm not really, did Mega Zero ask for me?"

The bot types on their computer, eye widening a bit as they find them in the system

"Oh yes, Derek their waiting for you in Ratchet and Aubrey's office"

The bot points over to the the doors making Derek run through the and find the room

He soon finds a room, seeing their names on the door and knocks on it.

The door opens, seeing Mega look down to them

"Derek! Your here,come in!"

Mega let's Derek in, he goes in upon seeing  Megatron on the bed unconscious

"What happened?!"

Derek questions going over to his friend.

Aubrey from the computer, looks over to them

"Mega found them unconscious in the open, they brought them over here not knowing what to do"

She explains to him, going back to typing something

Mega looks concerned, looking at Megatron

"Yeah....found them looking almost dead"

Derek eyes widen, looking over to the doctors

"What's your diagnosis Doctors?"

Ratchet goes over to Megatron, looking at their datapad

"Well, he has multiple dents close to his chassis and helm, obvious signs of exhaustion, and-

"Dark energon in blood stream?"

Derek cuts them off, Ratchet snaps their helm down to them

"Yes....? How did you know?"

Derek sighs, eyes closing and explains

"The day at the party, Mega told me that Megatron had been acting weird the last few weeks, I saw them going out the exit and decide to follow them."

He walks over to the stairs installed for Aubrey, going up them to be in eye contact to the bot

"I follow up to an area seeing Megatron in the middle with his servo latched onto his chassis. I ask them if they were ok, they tell me the reason for it..."

"And that is?"

Ratchet looks at them getting confused at them as Aubrey in the background looking down

"Unicron is trying to take control on them..."


The two bots scream out as Aubrey and Derek look down

"What do you mean?!"

Derek swallows, looking at Megatron

"Since the Dark Energon in still in their blood stream, Unicron is trying to take his body since they have assess to his mind"

"Why didn't you tell us?!"

Ratchet questions him, wondering why he kept silent this whole time

"Well, I told Aubrey, Mateo, and Tanya. We agreed to not tell anyone else as to not worry them as we thought I would have enough time to create something to prevent this from happening!"

Derek explains freaking out a bit

"Well! And how is that going?!"

He looks to the side sheepishly

"It's almost done....."

"And how much longer would it be?"

Derek looks down

"About two more days...."

Ratchet sighs exasperated, helmplating his face

"At least it won't be for to much longer, Aubrey what is our st-

Megatron's optics suddenly snap open, showing the color to have a familiar neon purple color with servos gripping his helm


Ratchet runs to Megatron, grabbing onto his servos trying to unhand them from his helm


Mega and Derek yell out to them, Aubrey panicking in the background type rapidly onto the keyboard.

"I can feel him in my brain?!"

Derek watches helplessly as Megatron was trying to keep in control

"He's not going to be able to stay in control for much longer...."

He looks at Mega in sudden leadership


Mega Zero looks at them panicking


"Megatron is not staying for much longer, I need you to get everybot into somewhere safe!"

Derek explains to them in determination

"Huh?! But I'm not like my sire!"

Derek walks over to them, putting a hand over there's

"Yes you can, Prime or not, you need to help the potential bots in danger. Get the others for help now!"

Mega looks at them for a second but nods, running out the door

Derek watches the door slam close, looking back at the doctors as Ratchet was trying to keep Megatron under wraps.

"We don't have much time, Megatron won't be able to keep under wraps for much longer. I sent Mega Zero to warn the others and send them for somewhere safe"

He explains to them, panicking a bit inside's happens

Ratchet screams, hitting the wall as Megatron or Unicron throws them to the wall, standing up from the bed


Aubrey gasps from the background, hearing their old foes voice runs out their door to tell the others with Mega Zero

It was only Derek and Unicron in the room now, they looked at each-other

Unicron with his more deep voice his armor changing to a more menacing look.

"This planet is mine....and you can't stop me dear Derek...."

Derek eyes narrow at them,  his eyes flickering purple and normal

"Yes...I will Chaos Bringer, and I will get my friend back

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