Chapter 7:Average Day

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    It was morning time, everyone in the Group was in their current apartment and was sleeping.

Looking inside Derek's current bedroom, with cybernetic red and black wallpaper and a small workshop towards the corner, we see him sleeping in his bed in the middle of the room, tank top and sweatpants with messy hair and short stubble below the chin.




Derek groans as his alarm beeps loudly, signaling him and his buddies to get up and get ready for the day.

Rubbing his slowly opening eyes, he sits up, turning off their alarm then gets up from the bed going to the bathroom to freshen up.

(After getting ready)

    The bedroom door opens with Derek coming out with his slightly wet hair as he straightens his goggles upon his head.

Walking through the hallways, he stops as they see Mateo walking out his bedroom also, blindfold covering their face, black medium trench coat with a rose hair clip holding up their hair.

Mateo looks towards Derek, waving at them

"Good Morning amigo, how do you sleep?"

Derek smiles

"Pretty good, you?"

He says as they start to walk down the hallways once more with his friend walking beside them.

"Good also, especially with me staying up reading again...."

Derek deadpans

"You need to stop doing that, I'm gonna start think that you are an insomniac!"

Mateo scoffs, bumping his shoulder

"Says you! Me and the others hear all that metal banging in the middle of the night, I should be thinking that you are an insomniac!"

Derek snickers, rubbing the back of his neck


They arrive at the kitchen, seeing Tanya sitting at the table surfing their phone with Aubrey cooking breakfast

Aubrey looks behind them, seeing us

"Hi Mateo and Derek! Good morning you too!"

Aubrey cheerfully says, turning back to her cooking  with the flower clips in her hair clacking as they tapped each other.

"You too kid"

Mateo answers them, walking to the table, sitting across Tanya.

Tanya looks up from her phone, waving at Derek and Mateo

"Good morning My Chizuki"

Derek says as they walk over to them and kisses their cheek and sits beside them.

"Now why don't you sleep in the same bed together? I'm kinda surprised that you two are together since you too had no interest in relationships at all."

Mateo asks them as they read a book they summoned.

"Well we don't sleep together because we like our own space, we sleep together some nights"

Derek answers their question as Aubrey comes over with our breakfasts

"Breakfast this morning is eggs and bacon and your blue energy drink Derek"

We all grab our separate breakfasts and thank Aubrey as she sat down

"You're welcome guys!"

Derek sips from his drink looking at Mateo as they ate their eggs and bacon

"And to answer the other question, it just kinda happened, we are surprised too."

Tanya nods in agreement

(At Derek's workplace)

Goggles covering their eyes, Derek stood in front of their work area as they worked on something.

"That should do the trick!"

He exclaims as they picked up the pick of metal as walks over to his Camaro

"Now let's put this together..."

Grabbing the Jack on the side of the workshop, Derek puts it under the car and pushes down on the lever of it until it is high enough.

Going under their car when he knew it was stable enough, he puts the metal in place, transforming this robotic arm into his blowtorch and weilds the piece to the car.

"There we go, halfway more to go"

He smiles, getting back from under the car then putting his car back into place and putting the Jack to the side.

"Ok...what else does it need.."

Tapping his chin, he puts his goggles back on his head then walks back to his work table.

"Let's see here..."

Grabbing the blueprint, they look over to see what it needs next

"Now I need to make the-

He stops talking suddenly, and hears the metallic thumps coming to his workshop.

"Do you have an appointment or an order that needs to be picked up?!"

He yells out at the potential customer

"Not any of that today"

The bot yells out laughing a bit


Derek snaps his head at the newcomer and sees a familiar face

"Hotrod? Jazz? What are you doing here?"

They walk over to the two bots as they wiped the gunk from their hands

"Well, we were wondering if you and your friends would like to go to the party tonight"

Hotrod asks them

"Party? For what?"

"For the revival of our planet of course!"

Jazz answers them

"But it's only been two months though..."

He deadpans, wondering why they are doing a party so early in the year

"Oh it's been two Quartex's, Derek it's been two months since the arrival of you and your friends, the revival of cybertron once more and Optimus Prime's sacrifice... don't you think you need a break?"

Hotrod questions Derek

Derek looks down in thought

"Hmm, a break from work and everything that's happened so far?"

He smiles, looking up at them

"Sure we'll come! What time?"

"7:00 pm in your time, see you there Derek!"

Jazz answers them as he and Hotrod walk out.

Derek watches as they walk far away from the workshop, his smiles slowly turning to the frown as he looks down.

"...There's never a break when your a protector"

He thought to themselves as they walked back inside the workplace, closing the doors behind them with a closed sign on them.

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