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"Okay so what's the good news?" Meredith asked exited entering the attending's lounge

"Ohh hey.... come here!" Jo exclaimed Alex smiling standing beside her.

"You we've been trying for months now" Alex started.

"I'm pregnant!" Jo exclaimed as Meredith stood in front of them.

"Wow, congratulations to you two!" Meredith gave them a hug "How far long are you?" she asked as pulled away.

"13 weeks" Jo smiled

"Oh so happy for you two, Ellis would be thrilled!" Meredith smiled brightly as Amelia enter the room.

"What's happening? why are we happy?" Amelia smiled confused

"I'm pregnant!" Jo exclaimed

"Omg, congratulations" Amelia smiled walking towards th giving them a hug "How far long are you?" she added pulling away.

"13 weeks" Jo smiled.

"How about you?" Amelia turned to Meredith.

"What about me?" Meredith chuckled

"Any plans of having kids?" Amelia grinned.

"We haven't had a serious discussion about it,but we will talk about it" Meredith answered

"Do you..... want to have kids with him?" Alex asked

"If our relationship grew, why not"Meredith smiled.

"Excuse me I gotta go to the pit" Alex said looking down at his pager stepping out of the room bumping into someone.

"Uh sorry" Andrew said

"Oh.... you were listening hugh" Alex chuckled slightly

"Not intentionally" Andrew smiled slightly

"How much did you hear?" Alex asked putting his hand on his side hips

"Almost everything" Andrew chuckled

"Hmmm, you should ask her about what you heard" Alex said before walking away

"Yeah"  Andrew breath out "Ou and Alex...." he called

"Yeah?" Alex response looking back at him.

"Congratulations" Andrew smiled genuinely

"Thanks" Alex gave him a smile.

"Maybe soon I'll receive that from you" he thought. He can already imagine him and Meredith watching their kids playing at their living room,he can see a big picture coming, he didn't want to rush Meredith but he also wanted to take their relationship more, he wants to take a big step, a one pretty big step.

"Hey,you have moment?" Andrew asked seeing Meredith walking out of the scrub room.

"I just finished my  3rd surgery of the day..... yeah what is it" Meredith said tiredly

"Maybe some other time,you should get some rest fir" he chuckled her head leaning against his shoulder while walking

"Can you pick up Ellis from the day care and take us home,I can't feel my feet anymore" Meredith asked shyly

"Yeah sure....." Andrew smiled wrapping his hand around her waist.

Andrew picked up Ellis from daycare while Meredith was waiting in the car.

"Hey Ell Bell, how's your day?" Meredith smiled at her daughter who sat at the back of the car wearing her seatbelt.

"Good, I play lego with Mia and Liz also we ate cookies" The little great exclaimed

"Hmm,sound fun El Bell" Meredith smiled at her daughter.

"I'll make dinner" Andrew said starting the car.

"I don't think I'll be able to eat, I had 2 bowel obstruction earlier" Meredith chuckled tiredly closing her eyes. "Also I'm tired, can't feel my legs anymore" she added leaning more against the car seat.

"That's exactly why you have to eat Mer" Andrew said trying to convinced his girlfriend who's now falling asleep slowly. He just observe her shooking his head smiling at himself.

"Andrew?"  the little girl at the back called.

"Do you love momma?" she smiled shyly.

"Of course, both of you" he gave back a smile looking at her through the mirror.

"I love you too!" she smiled "Am I gonna have a sibling?" she added

"Wh- I uh I don't know El Bell, we haven't talked about it yet..... do you? want a sibling?" he then asked carefully.

"I do, a baby brother and another sister" she exclaimed making Meredith move a little bit.

"Shh, El Bell, mommy's sleeping" Andrew said softy putting his hand on Meredith's legs, as she put her hand over his making him smile at her touch.

"Mer,wake up we're here" he whispered waking her up.

He kissed her lips as he didn't get a response.

"Mer!" he repeated

"Hmmm" Meredith whimper slowly opening her eyes.

"Ellis is already inside five minutes ago, I didn't wake you right away because you seemed to be in a deep sleep and you snore a little" he chuckled at his last sentence.

"Sarai un ottimo papà, Andrea!" (you'll be a great dad, Andrew) she whispered looking deeply in his eyes getting lost in it.

"Y-you heard?" he chuckled shyly.

"I did....." she said giving him a quick kiss.

"I didn't want to rush you, but I want you to know that I want you in my life,I want to grow old with you,I want to die in your arms, and I want to ha-" he rambled nervously

"And I want to have kids with you.... Andrew" she finished his sentence "I want to grow old with you too, and I want you to be part of our life now,with me and Ellis" she smiled few tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I want to marry you" he thought to himself. Ue doesn't have the courage to admit or say it to her, because he's scared she might feel like he's rushing her,he might scare her.

"I love you" he whispered

"I love you" she whispered back as lean in kissing her passionately.

This chapter is quite short..... but I like it though took me long enough to post a new chapter

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