I'm Fine

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Meredith hasn't been getting headache the past week, which she's grateful for, because Andrew doesn't have to worry so is her sisters, so that they don't have to convince her to get check cause for sure she'll say no. It's not like she doesn't want their help, or their concerned she just don't want them to worry about her just because of a 'simple headache' she's been getting more often. Her excuses of not getting checked may convince Andrew and Maggie, but not Amelia, she's a neurosurgeon, she can tell just by observing her sister the past weeks, she noticed Meredith's mood changes and more.

"Hey, how are you feeling any headache?" Andrew asked laying down beside Meredith.

"Just a little dizzy" she answered tiredly

"Did you have dinner already?" he asked pulling her closer to his.

"Not yet" she answered

"See, maybe that's the reason why you get headache because you eat dinner too late" he sigh "You want to eat?" he then asked hoping she'd say yes.

"Yeah, but only if you cook my favourite pasta" she smiled getting up.

"Deal!" he smirked giving her a quick kiss before getting up as well.

They made their way to the stairs as Meredith stopped walking and lean against the cold wall.

"Mer?" Andrew called as he noticed Meredith isn't following her anymore.

Meredith's surrounding starts spinning, she can't hear anythin, she can't stand up. She buried her face on her palm which makes her more dizzy, the more she make a movement the more she get dizzy. The next thing happened, everything went black, she passed out.
She could hear Andrew calling her name but she can't hear him clearly, it's like she's underwater.
Andrew didn't think a second and immediately call the hospital and bring ambulance to their house as soon as possible.

"What the hell happened!" Bailey said walking towards the gurney where they lay Meredith down.

"Page Shepherd 911 now!" Andrew yelled, as few tear rolling down his cheeks.

"Deluca talk to me, what happened!" Bailey repeated more sternly.

"Sh-she pass out, we were on our way to the kitchen and she pass out" Andrew tried to explain rambling.

"Get her to CT, now, tell Shepherd to meet us there" Bailey said.


They brought Meredith to the MRI machine and now they're just waiting for the scans.

"What happened?" Amelia said entering the room.

"She pass out" Andrew answered, his eyes focus on the scans in front of them.

"Why did she even pass out? is it headache again?" Bailey then asked breaking the silence.

"She said she's a little dizzy she didn't mention having headache, but I often saw her squinting her eyes, it's probably her vision" Andrew answered

"Scans are up" Amelia said as they all look at the scans that left their jaw wide open.

"Glioblastomas, damn it!" Amelia breath out.

Andrew froze for a moment, he can't think straight, he can't move, his eyes getting watery, his heart rating, his surrounding is spinning.

"How long do you think it's been in there growing, I mean it's huge" Bailey asked concerned.

" I-i don't know,I don't know I can't think right now, I mean it's bigger than my tumor" Amelia said, her voice shaky.

"Is it operable?" Andrew then asked after he manage to calm himself.

"It's cancer so it's not, but we can give her something to ease the symptoms" Amelia answered.

They all look at Meredith through the glass in front of them as her monitor went off and she started  seizing.

"Code blue!" Amelia yelled before stepping inside the CT room.

"Put her to her side" Amelia said, Andrew helping her.


"Should I tell her?" Andrew asked, him and Amelia as well as Maggie are standing in front of Meredith's room.

"You should, I can't think straight right now" Amelia as answered as tears again welling up in her eyes.

"But how? I-i don't know how" he said his voice shaky "I'm going in" he added as he noticed Meredith is waking up.

He slowly opens the door and slowly closing it.He walks towards her bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked stroking her hair

"Fine" she answered tiredly slowly opening her eyes, adjusting to the light.

"It's a tumor isn't it" she said after a few moment of silence, making him look at her shock and confuse "I know the symptoms, I'm a doctor, Andrew" she added staring at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry" he whispered kissing her forehead, stroking her hair.

"It's Glioblastomas" Andrew said pulling a chair sitting on it.

"So it's cancer" she said, her eyes getting wet.

"It's cancer" he repeated, looking down wiping his tears that has been welling up since earlier.

"I'm dying" she whispered sniffing.

"Mer you're not dying, we'll do everything we can" he said squeezing her hand.

"Even if they can remove it doesn't mean it's cured, it could grow back, probably has on my spine next time" she mumbled her last sentence.

"Mer, I can't lose you, neither can Ellis" he begun "So fight, maybe not for you but for Ellis" he added.

"Only 10% of people with glioblastoma survive five years, Andrew" she said looking straight to his eyes "I could die on that table, and even if I survive I won't be the same anymore" she added looking away.

"I'd still love you, Meredith. Nothing will change." he said reassuring her. "I can't lose you,pleas fight for me" he added.

"I love you" she whispered caressing his cheek.

"I love you more" he  gave back squeezing her hand that's holding on his cheek.


"Is she considering the surgery?" Maggie asked

"She said only 10% of people with glioblastoma survive five years, I can't tell if that's a yes or no" Andrew answered. They're in the nurses station in front of Meredith's room.

"How's she?" Bailey asked walking towards them.

"She's sleeping" Andrew answered.

"She can do this, she survived the unthinkable, she can do this" Bailey said trying to calm the doctor in front of her especially Andrew.

"I don't know if I can live if I lose her"Andrew breath out.

"It's going to be fine,she can do this" Maggie said, trying to comfort Andrew well knowing that it is what he needs right now,but not from her  From Meredith, the person who's laying on a hospital bed.

To be continued......

I might write a author's note... next chapter

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