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Namjoon stood on the edge of a cliff that overlooked the desert he was currently hiding out in as he closed his eyes; his bangs being blown out of his eyes by the wind.

"My dear Namjoon," Namjoon allowed his eyes to open about halfway at the sound of his name, but didn't even so much as flinch as an arm wrapped around his waist. "I'm so glad that you decided to join me." The same voice rasped out softly as the mysterious figure pressed a kiss to the top of Namjoon's head.

Namjoon twisted around in their hold in order to face them, a smile immediately appearing on his face. "Lord Ciaran..."

Ciaran was unnaturally tall, standing at about 7'2 which, at first glance, made him seem inhuman. But, he did retain humanly features. With dirty blonde hair that stopped about halfway down his back, and eyes almost as piercing as Namjoon's, most would find bone chilling shivers running through their body. But not Namjoon. Namjoon merely rested his head on Ciaran's chest and giggled with delight.

An evil smirk stretched across the taller male's face as he held Namjoon close. "Namjoon, it's almost time for us to start the ritual. The planets are nearly aligned in our favor." Ciaran ran his fingers through Namjoon's hair in an affectionate manner as he spoke, chuckling when Namjoon let out a content hum.

"Yes My Lord."


"As cliche as it may sound, your powers and your emotions are connected. I'm not sure if you noticed earlier, but when Namjoon made Jimin upset, his powers weakened," Jungkook watched as the eldest paced back and forth in front of him, nibbling on his bottom lip. "The reaction differs from person to person. Some of us, our emotions weakens our focus and therefore weakens our powers while with others, it's the opposite."

"Judging by how you haven't killed us all yet, your emotions may actually weaken your powers Jungkook." Yoongi spoke up as he grabbed Jin's shoulder to put a stop to his pacing. "Considering that Namjoon is a potential enemy, this may be difficult for you but you need to keep your emotions under control or we will not be able to win this."

"We don't have much time so we're going to have to do speed up your training. Maybe we can go more into detail in the future." Jin wasn't very happy about having to rush through training before throwing Jungkook into battle but he didn't have any choice. They didn't have time.

Everybody has their strengths; everybody has their weaknesses. The only issue here is the time they have. There isn't much of it. Who knows where Namjoon is. Who knows who has access to him right now. There was no time to drag their feet. There was no time to take it slow with Jungkook's training. They needed to get a move on before the world perishes.

"Hyung...do you think I'll be ready for this?" Jungkook looked at Jin with wet eyes. He was mad at his hyungs, sure, but he was scared. For the first time in his life, Namjoon has filled him with nothing but genuine fear. What if the next time he encounters him, he can't use his words to stop Namjoon? What if Namjoon doesn't hesitate next time? What if-

"Jungkook. You are one of the toughest people I know," Resting a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, Seokjin pursed his lips slightly before sighing heavily. "I hate that you're being thrown in a situation like this but, you handled it better than all of us combined and we actually have experienced in this world. If anybody can handle themselves on the battlefield, it's you." Seokjin removed his hand from Jungkook's shoulder as the younger male stared at him with a twinkle of emotion that Jin couldn't quite decipher.

Turning to the rest of his brothers, Jin inhaled deeply. "As for the rest of us, there's no telling how powerful Namjoon truly is. We've never had to fight like this, so we must use this time to not only prepare Jungkook, but to prepare ourselves."

For this is not just a battle to keep themselves alive, this is a battle for the entire planet; perhaps even the universe.

A/n: haha...HAHAHAHAHAHAH...Hi guys *dramatically tucks hair behind ear* did you perhaps...miss me? 👁👁 (it's been 2 years i am SO fuckin sorry) Take this incredibly short chapter as an apology. This was already partly written from like a year ago and it felt a little confusing to continue it? So I kinda just did what I could tbh

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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