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Namjoon ran up the flight of stairs in a panic. He took too long cleaning the 1st floor of the house. Movies don't last forever and Namjoon knew he would be severely punished if he didn't clean up the second floor as well.

"No no no! Yoongi's room is a mess! How am I supposed to clean everybody's room before they get back?!" Either Namjoon did something to deserve this cruel treatment or he just had really bad luck because just at that moment, the front door opened. In pure panic, Namjoon fled to the bathroom and locked the door.

"You better be done cleaning bitch!" Seokjin's usually soft voice sounded so cold and distant. Namjoon wasn't even sure if his heart could break anymore at this point in his life. Jin never used that kind voice for him like he did the rest of boys.

Namjoon's entire body trembled from the sheer force of anxiety coursing through his body. He hasn't even started cleaning up the upstairs, he was definitely going to be punished. He could hear the mumbling from downstairs and his heart started racing when he heard voices getting closer. There was a few seconds of silence before Jin's loud voice rang out.

"Kim Namjoon get your ass over here!" Namjoon whimpered quietly as tears ran down his cheeks. Jin sounded angrier than usual to the point that Namjoon was fearing for his life. All he wanted to do was curl up into a ball in the bathtub and never leave but he knew it would only be a matter of time before they got their hands on him.

Reluctantly, Namjoon opened up the bathroom door and dragged himself into the hallway. "I'm here hyung.."

Jin turned to face Namjoon, his expression calm but his eyes burned with rage. "You had one simple job Namjoon. One goddamn job! And you managed to fail you useless bitch!" Jin didn't even bat an eye when Namjoon broke out into full on sobs at his words. Jin took a deep breath and forced a smile onto his face. "But since I'm in such a good mood today, you won't be punished Joonie. Now get the fuck out of my sight."

Namjoon didn't hesitate and run into his small room and quietly shut the door behind him. He collapsed onto the floor and hugged himself tightly, his body being raked with sobs. "I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

Jungkook stopped in front of Namjoon's room and placed his hands on the door. His eyes were wet with tears from hearing the heart wrenching sobs the older male was producing. Jungkook knew that his other hyungs were already downstairs so he took the chance to try and calm Namjoon down. Jungkook took a deep breath before singing softly.

'Do you love the rain? Does it make you dance
When you're drunk with your friends at a party?
What's your favorite song, does it make you smile?
Do you think of me?'

Namjoon's sobs slowly subsided into pathetic whimpers as Jungkook's gentle voice floated into his room. He's always loved Jungkook's singing voice. Well, he loved Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung's voices too but of course they wouldn't sing for him. And even if they did, Jungkook's voice was just different. It brought him a comfort that Namjoon just couldn't quite put into words.

'When you close your eyes, tell me, what are you dreamin'?
Everything, I wanna know it all'

Namjoon slowly closed his eyes and let a soft smile spread across his face. Jungkook really was the only reason Namjoon chose to keep living. Sweet little Jungkook. His Jungkook.

'I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more
Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours
And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try
If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life'

Namjoon knew what the next line was and he couldn't help himself when his lips parted and he quietly mumbled out the words with Jungkook.

'I'm gonna love you..'

Jungkook's ears picked up on Namjoon's voice, despite it being low and raspy from all his crying, and he couldn't stop the smile from growing. "I love you Joonie hyung..."

There was a beat of pure silence before Namjoon shyly replied. "I love you too Ggukie..."


It was dinner time in the household and here Namjoon was, in his room starving and all alone. He hated it. No matter how long it's been going on, he's still always held onto the hope that one day, his dear brothers would invite him down to dinner for once. Don't get him wrong, he was thankful that Jungkook brought him food almost every night but it still felt so lonely. Jungkook could never stay for too long in fear of getting caught so Namjoon ended up eating his dinner alone. Namjoon stared out the window and sighed quietly as he pushed his hair out of his eyes. His black hair was ridiculously long since nobody bothered to cut it and it always got into his eyes. He didn't really care if he was being honest. The less of his face that showed, the better.

"Hey useless!" Namjoon broke away from his thoughts at the sound of a loud knock at the door and Jimin's voice.

"Y-Yes Mimi?" Namjoon stood up and nervously played with the most recently formed hole in his shorts. He was cold yes but he couldn't do much.

"Don't call me that. But did you touch my favorite sweater? I swear to god if you did, I'm grabbing the whip." Jimin growled angrily through the door. Namjoon shivered and shook his head even though Jimin couldn't see him.

"I-I didn't go in your room today Jimin! P-Please don't beat me..." Namjoon clenched his eyes shut and waited for Jimin's response. He really didn't want to get beat that night. He narrowly escaped punishment from Jin earlier, hopefully his luck hasn't run out.

Jimin didn't reply for awhile until Namjoon could hear Jimin clicking his tongue in annoyance. "Whatever bitch." Namjoon could hear Jimin's footsteps fading away and he let out a breathe he didn't even realize he was holding. He sat back down on his bed and eagerly awaited for Jungkook's arrival.


Jungkook never showed up. There were plenty of nights where Jungkook wasn't able to visit Namjoon but it still hurt Namjoon a lot. Both physically and emotionally. Jungkook's visits always filled him with happiness as well as food. Oh well, going one night without food won't kill Namjoon. Besides, maybe it'll help him avoid gaining more weight!

Namjoon laid on his bed and stared at his window. The outside looked so pretty at night whenever he would look out his window. Maybe it looked even prettier up close. As much as Namjoon wanted to, he's always been too scared to escape. He's been convinced that nobody would take him in and he'll either die on the streets or be taken back to his brothers. Even so, he's tried running away by jumping out his window but he came to realization that his window was bolted shut. Of course. Of course they wouldn't give him a room with a window unless they had some type of way to make sure he doesn't run off.

Namjoon rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. His stomach was currently yelling at him to eat food but he simply ignored it. Beauty is pain they always say. Namjoon closed his eyes and clutched onto his shirt. "Somebody out there wants me, I just know it. There must be somebody out there that won't find me useless, that will appreciate me."

Little did Namjoon know, there was very well somebody who wanted Namjoon. Or more like needed him. Although, their reasons weren't very pure. The plans they had for Namjoon were more...sinister. And there's no way in hell Namjoon's brothers were prepared for it.

Darkness in the Light (Namjoon-centric)Where stories live. Discover now