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A dark pair of eyes stared intensely out into the distance before the click of a tongue was heard. "Dammit, we don't have much time. I need to begin with the plan before it's too late. Proxy!" A long black snake slithered over, hissing quietly and wrapping itself around its master's legs. "My dear Proxy, I have a mission for you..."


"Wash the damn dishes faster slut!" Namjoon whimpered as another slash from the leather belt connected with his back. He couldn't think he could wash the dishes any fast than he already was without breaking anything. Breaking something would just lead to more pain. The dishes were supposed to be Taehyung's job but said male was too lazy to do them. So instead, he simply forced Namjoon to do it for him. Well, more like forced him to.

"T-Taehyung please! I'm going as fast as I can!" Namjoon pleaded to the younger male, not wanting anymore pain to be inflicted onto his frail body. Unfortunately, his begging just pissed Taehyung off more.

"Who gave you permission to speak hyung?" Taehyung seethed in a mocking tone before landing another blow to Namjoon's back with a twisted grin. "Do your damn job!" Another whip hit Namjoon's back. Namjoon bit his lip and desperately kept washing the dishes, tears streaming down his sunken cheeks.

"Taehyung! I thought it was your job to wash dishes! I'm telling Jin hyung that you're too lazy to do your chores!" Jungkook's voice rang out as he peaked around the corner. His tone was slightly teasing but his eyes told a different story. His eyes were filled with disgust, worry, and something else Namjoon just couldn't quite pinpoint. Taehyung on the other hand, didn't seem to notice the underlying emotions out of fear of getting scolded by the eldest.

"Wait no Kookie! Don't tell Jin hyung! Look I'll finish the rest myself!" Taehyung dropped the whip to the floor and shoved Namjoon to the side. "Back to your room mutt." Namjoon immediately scurried out of the kitchen and to his room, not bothering to give a second glance. His back felt like it was on fire. It hurt so bad. Namjoon fell onto his bed and buried his face in his pillow, muffling his broken sobs. How much longer could he put up with this?

If Jungkook was being honest, he didn't care that Taehyung wasn't doing his chores. He didn't plan on telling Jin about it either. But he refused to sit by and watch as his brothers straight up abused Namjoon. Jungkook could tolerate a lot of bullshit but certainly not that. With Taehyung distracted with the rest of the dishes, Jungkook ran upstairs and instantly found his way to Namjoon's bedroom.

"Joonie...Joon Hyung..." Jungkook mumbled softly. Yes, he wanted to check on his precious older brother but at the same time, he didn't want to get caught being around him. Not for his own benefit, but for the sake of Namjoon's safety. Jungkook opened his mouth to speak but was caught off by Yoongi's voice.

"Kook! Hurry up and get dressed, we got somewhere to be!" Jungkook frowned and moved away from Namjoon's bedroom door just in case.

"Where are we going hyung? And do I have to go?"

"Yes Jungkook! Don't make me repeat myself!" The slight irritation wasn't the smallest bit subtle and it made Jungkook tense up a little. He glanced at Namjoon's room with worried eyes. Namjoon still hasn't made a sound and Jungkook was scared to say the least but he knew he couldn't do much at the moment. Without another word, Jungkook sped off to his own room to get ready for whatever the hell his hyungs had planned for the day.

Listening to Jungkook's retreating footsteps, Namjoon finally let out a soft sigh. He knew Jungkook was worried and he hated being the reason for it but he just couldn't stand having Jungkook see him like this any longer. He was supposed to be somebody Jungkook could look up to. He was supposed to be somebody who could protect Jungkook but he just couldn't. He couldn't even protect himself from his own family. Hugging his pillow close to his body, Namjoon allowed his tears to roll down his face. He didn't make a sound thought. The tears simply fell while his mouth remained shut. No point in being loud. No one would be able to help him anyways.

"Oh Joonie!" Jin's mockingly sweet voice came floating through Namjoon's closed bedroom door. "We're heading out alright? There's some leftover food in the fridge for when you get hungry! It's a few weeks old though so you might get a little sick...maybe that'll encourage you to lose same weight honey!" The eldest cackled, his voice being drowned out by the sound of the others attempting to speak over each other. With an overly loud slam from the front door, Namjoon was left alone in the house.

"I don't understand why they treat me like this..."

'They're jealous of you' A quiet voice hissed, making Namjoon jolt and sit up in bed. He was home alone wasn't he? Is he finally losing his sanity? Namjoon shook his head and laid back down, shutting his eyes. He was probably just tired. A little rest should help him get rid of these random hallucinations.

'I am no hallucination little one.' Namjoon screwed his eyes shut tighter, trying his best to ignore the voice. He just needs a some rest. That's all.

'No need to ignore me, I just want to help you. Don't you want your brothers' love?' Now that..that caught Namjoon's attention.

Refusing to open his eyes, he quietly answered. "I do..." This was all just a dream anyways right? He must've fallen asleep at some point. Entertaining this "dream vision" won't hurt. Right?

'Namjoon, you're more powerful than all of your brothers combined. You're above them in every way. Don't allow them to push you around.'

"More powerful?" Namjoon muttered. That didn't sound right. Namjoon felt weak in every possible aspect. All of his brothers could break him in half; physically, mentally and emotionally. In what world was he above any of them?

'Yes Namjoon,' the voice hissed. 'But you're much too nice. You try so hard to push the so called "nasty" emotions down when you should let them consume you. The rage, the greed, allow them to run rampant.'

Namjoon could feel his heart thudding painfully in his chest. His mind yelling that the voice was right. Being kind was nothing but a weakness that has gotten him nowhere. A weakness that has only made him a punching bag for his brothers. He could be so much more if he just...

"No!" Namjoon shook his head rapidly and covered his ears. What was he thinking? He loved his brother dearly and they loved him! Namjoon is just greedy and wants more than they give. He's in the wrong, not his brothers.

With a small hum, the voice replied softly. 'I see you need a little extra push huh?'

Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed. Extra push? What did that mean? Namjoon didn't have much time to dwell before a sudden wave of anger overcame him. All rationality flying out the window immediately. His eyes snapped open and he sat upright, staring at the wall.

"...I don't need them. I don't need anybody." A low chuckle echoed in the room as Namjoon slid out of his bed, a wicked grin slowly spreading across his face.

'That's right. Let the madness consume you Namjoon...'


A few hours had passed before the front door slammed open, peels of loud laughter instantly filling up the entire house. All noise came to a halt though, when the brothers were greeted with the unusual sight of Namjoon casually laid out on the couch, flicking through channels with a bored look on his face.

"Finally you guys are home, I was beginning to think you wouldn't come back." Namjoon shut the tv off and stood up off the couch, looking at the stunned males with a smug smirk.

Jin was the first to snap out of his trance. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" The eldest took a step forward, expecting Namjoon to flinch back. His shock only grew when the younger did no such thing.

"I'm your demise my dear Jin hyung."

Darkness in the Light (Namjoon-centric)Where stories live. Discover now