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Seokjin blinked in shock, his whole body tensing up. Namjoon would never speak to any of them like this. Unless...

"You damn piece of shit! How dare you talk to Jin hyung that way?!" Jimin snarled, taking a step forward to grab at Namjoon but was held back by Jin. "Hyung what...?" Jimin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he saw that Jin's face was twisted in fear.

"Jimin listen," Jin whispered. "I need you to take Taehyung and Jungkook and run." Jin gripped Jimin's shoulder tightly and took a shaky breath. At this point, everybody was both confused and deeply concerned. They haven't seen Jin look so scared in years. What was going on?

Namjoon seemed to have caught on to the situation and grinned. "Oh? Running away already?" There was a low rumbling that echoed throughout the house before everything began to shake, knocking the boys off their feet.

"Shit!" Jin pushed himself to his feet, struggling to keep his balance. "Namjoon, stop this!" The shaking came to a stop, the others hesitantly standing up behind the eldest.

Namjoon glared daggers at Jin, his already dark eyes seeming to darken. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" Namjoon lifted his hand slowly, his cruel smile returning to his face. "You'll be a nice test monkey." A bright, purple glow emitted from Namjoon's palm, causing Jin's panic to rise.

"Look out!"

A blast of purple fire came roaring from Namjoon's hand, aiming directly at the group of boys. When the smoke cleared, that entire side of the house was gone; completely obliterated. Namjoon smiled teasingly when he saw a shield like bubble surrounding the boys, preventing them from suffering the same fate as the house.

"Look at you Jimin," Namjoon cooed at the boy, who was currently standing in front of the group with his hands raised. "Using your pathetic excuse of magic to keep you losers alive." The elder chuckled at the scowl Jimin sent his way. "I never did get a smile in years huh?" Namjoon's tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip, a wicked smirk appearing on his face at the way Jimin flinched back.

"Oh Jimin," Namjoon purred teasingly as the shield flicked out of existence. "You always have had difficulties controlling your emotions." Namjoon stuck out his pointer finger, aiming it directly at Jimin. "Let me show you some real magic." The small spark of electricity appearing from Namjoon's finger instantly put Yoongi into motion.

"Not on my watch." Yoongi stepped in front of Jimin and lifted his left hand, a ball of white energy lighting to life within his hand. Namjoon snarled but allowed his hand to drop at his side. He'll let Yoongi have his fun. Besides, how else will he be able to truly scope out the competition?

Cocking his arm back, Yoongi tossed the energy ball in Namjoon's direction. He knew it wasn't enough to truly harm Namjoon, but it would slow him down just enough for them to get the hell out of there. When the energy made contact with Namjoon, a small shout of surprise was heard from the male as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Unfortunately, that seemed to be enough to snap Jungkook out of his frozen state.

"Namjoon hyung! Yoongi, why would you do that?!" The youngest turned to Yoongi with eyes wet with tears. He had no idea what was happening. Why was Namjoon acting so cruel all of a sudden? Why did he try to kill hi- them? Why the hell did his hyungs have superpowers?

"Oh poor Jungkookie. Did you really think that would hurt me?" Everybody turned towards the slowly dissipating cloud of smoke with wide eyes, narrowly dodging the blast of fire that cut through the middle of the destroyed house.

"Dammit, how didn't that hurt him?" Yoongi gnawed on his bottom lip. Yes, Namjoon should've easily survived the blast but it clearly didn't even scratch the man. When the cloud of smoke fully vanished, Namjoon's twisted grin was revealed as he cackled maliciously.

Darkness in the Light (Namjoon-centric)Where stories live. Discover now