The leader slapped me and that was the only hit she got. Honestly I was proud of her boldness. She slapped me hard and managed to draw some blood from my bottom lip but THAT WAS THE WRONG THING TO DO. One punch to the head i K.O. that bitch of course the three stooges had to jump in. I picked up the skinniest girl and threw her into the wall.
The second tramp ran up wild swinging like a fucking windmill i took that tight eyed bitch by her nappy ass head planting it into the sink. Now the last chick was respectfully chunky until she called me a fat bitch. I gave her a confused look and asked “have yo ugly ass looked in the mirror lately?” apparently she got heated and pissed off i still didn’t give two fucks she got in position to charge towards me. “ Come on..come on you big bitch since im fat!!” I nodded and yelled as she ran towards me. I hit the big ox with the restroom stall door as hard as I could . She tried to get up so I kicked ugly bitch in the chin. I grabbed my backpack, fixed my hair then wiped the blood off my lip and ran out the restroom before anyone could see me. The bell rang and all the kids scattered out of the classrooms headed towards the front of the school until they were stopped by a girl screaming running from the girls restroom. I politely walked past the principal with a smirkish grin on my face as the girl was explaining what she saw. I headed out of the school and rode off with my mom. She asked me how my day was and I replied “good” with a smile. After that 7th and 8th grade was smooth sailing then high school was the next level of bullshit to take in.