Purpled finally finds out (6)

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Chapter 6 : Purples finally finds out

,,Your hiding something from me, arent you?.." purpled was looking at Tommy , the blonde didnt know what to say at first but then he finally found the words

,,Yes i am... please dont be mad!..."

,,Tell me what your hiding and maybe i wont be mad" Purpled knew Tommy wouldnt tell him but he had to know!

,,I- Its better if i show you..." Tommy stood up and went to the livingroom, Tommy just stood there and Purpled was confused

,,What are you doi-" Before Purpled could finish what he was saying Tommy had his wings out , they were Yellow and blue with a little red

,,Y-you have... Wings!?" Purpled at first thought that he was dreaming but when Tommy let Purpled touch them he knew it was real...

,,Wow... and you didnt tell me!? How dare you!" Purpled acted like he was offended and mad eventhought he wasnt mad , well.. only a little but he was also happy that Tommy decided to finally tell him

,,Sorry , hehe , I guess i was... scared that you will leave me... you wont right?" Tommy wasnt sure if Purpled was mad or not

,,Im not dont worry , your never going to get rid of me!" purpled smiled at Tommy and he smiled right back , Tommy closed his wings and hugged Purpled

,,Dont tell anyone alright? only Phil , Techno , Wilbur , dream and you know , not even tubbo knows. I will tell everyone in the Future but i need time" purpled understood and nodded. Tommys wings still hurt but not that bad , They sat down on the couch and watched some TV because they didnt have anything to do today , Tommy was laying on Purpleds lap with his head on his chest and purpled played with his hair like always. They joked at some Videos they watched.

They have been togheter for a few Months now and are very happy , Tommy had a plan to do something today and he needed Everyones help (With Everyone i mean the ones that know about Tommys wings) but Purpled cant know!  Tommy and Purpled sat in the Kitchen eating breakfast

,,Hey Purp?"

,,What Tommy?"

,,Is it okay if i go flying for a bit? I didnt fly for a long time" Purpled thought about it for a sec

,,Sure but be careful that no one sees you , there could be hunters so promises me you will be careful"

,,I Promise" Tommy stood up and Kissed Purpled on the head before he went out. Purpled had to go to work so he did.

With Tommy

Tommy was Flying over the Sea and It was fun , he flew (idk if i wrote that right?) over Mountens and landed on one thinking no one had seen him , he sat down and after 2hours he got a call from Purpled.

,,What is it Purp? Everything okay?"

,,Dont worry everythings okay here , im done with work and didnt see you at home. Where are you?"

,,Im still out flying , right now im sitting on a Mounten-" Tommy heard something behind him , he looked and didnt see anyone , just Trees... how odd..

,,Purp i think someone saw me" He stood up and went up in the Sky

,,Tommy please be careful! Come home as quick as possible and dont look back! And stay on the call!!" purpled sounded serious

,,Alright" Tommy began to fly back home and when he was over a Forest,  near Technos house , he got shot in the Wing

,,Shit!" He tried to fly but it hurt so much. Purpled was almost at Technos house , he told tommy to fly there because its nearer and He already told Techno and Phil whats happening.

,,Tommy!? tommy where are you!?" Purpled was still on the Phone and heard that Tommy fell , it sounded like he fell in a Tree

,,Ow.. shit man- im in a Tree , ill try to fly-"

,,Tommy you wont fly now! Your wing just got shot if you fly it will be worse then it already is! Just stay where you are and be quiet!" Tommy said a quick yes and then went quiet. Purpled was finaly at Technos house and told them that Tommy landed in the Forest in a Tree , The Forest was big so it could take forever to find him.

,,Tommy can you see Technos house from where you are?"

,,Yes i can , i can see the back of it i think-" Tommy stopped speaking when he heard something , someone was coming but who? Was it a Hunter? Techno? Phil? Or Purpled? No it has to be a Hunter. Purpled hang up on the phone and they searched for him.

,,Hey Purpled?"

,,What Phil?" They all went the same way and they couldnt find time , it has been 5minutes already and Purpled was worried.

,,Can you wear this please mate?" Phil held a blindfold in his hand and showed it to Purpled

,,We're searching for my platonic boyfriend , your son and you want me to wear a fucking blindfold?!"

,,Calm down! We'll explain everything later" Purpled took the Blindfold and wore it so that he couldnt see anything. Phil and Techno bought Purpled to a beautiful place , there were many flowers , no snow , it was Warm and the Tress had a beautiful colour.

,,Whats going on Guys? We have to find Tommy!" They took the Blindfold off and Purpled saw the beautiful place , under a Tree was a picnic

,,Why are we here?" Purpled looked behind him and who was there? not Techno or Phil , Behind him was Tommy , Tommys wings didnt look hurt at all , they looked great like always

,,Tommy?! But i thought- whats going on!?" Of course the plan was dumb but it was worth it thought Tommys , plus he really did get shot in the Wing from Wilbur , It wasnt part of the Plan but it worked to bring Purpled to this place.

Hello Everyone! I know it sounded a bit weird but idc rn. Have a Good day! I will update next week like always!! And sorry that this chapter isnt that long.

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