The Reunion (11)

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Chapter 11 : The Reunion

Tommy and Dreams dad wanted to apologize to them that he never did anything and for the wedding but he couldnt , everytime someone that was at the wedding saw him they would tell him to go away. When he was Tommy and Tommy him , Tommy would always run away from him.

That has been going on for 2weeks now.
Their dad was trying to find dream but was stopped by someone

,,Go away man! They dont want to see you-"

,,Its okay George , let me handle it this time" Dream placed one of his hands on Georges shoulder and looked at his dad

,,Father. Why are you still here? Didnt we tell you to go"

,,Dream i want to apologize to you and Theseus.." Dream didnt say anything about Tommys new name.

,,Fine. Ill text Purpled that were coming.. george can you go to sapnap or someone? Ill come later alright?" George nodded and went to Sapnap.

Dream and their dad were on the way to the Ufo and knocked when they were there.

,,Come in.." Purpled wasnt so sure about this but Tommy said that it was okay and that he can handle it. They all sat down on he couch , Purpled cuddled himself on Tommy.

,,Ok so... you wanted to talk dad?..." Tommy looked to him only for a second and then looked on the Floor.

,,Yes.. i want to apologize about everything.. Im sorry that i didnt help you guys when your mom hit you and everything and im sorry about your wedding... I tried to talk her out of it but she was just to mad. Theseus , Dream... im really sorry.. please come visit again.." Tommy looked at him

,,Its Tommy"


,,My name is Tommy... I changed it after we ran away.. and I- I forgive you. But im not coming home when mom is there..." Tommy smiled a bit and his dad smiled back

,,im only coming if Tommys coming" Dream said while smiling at them too.

,,Dont worry guys , I will get a divorce with her. I cant handle her anymore. Shes a mess and thank you for forgiving me.." Tommy and Dream laughed at that.


,,Oh Shroud , dont be scared , its just your Grandpa. Hes nice" Tommy looked at shroud and he walked to them


,,You have a son?"

,,Yap sure do. His name is shroud , hes 5years old. We adopted him" Shroud sat down next to tommy and purpled. and looked at his Grandpa


,,Hello Shroud" Tommys father waved to him

They all kept on talking. Purpled had his Arms around Tommys neck and sat on his lap while sleeping , his head was on Tommys shoulder and Tommy wrapped his Arms around Purpleds wrist.

,,Im happy for you The-Tommy"

,,Thank you dad and you can call me Theseus. i dont mind , i mean its my birthname and the name of a God?" His dad nodded and so did dream.

Dream knows why Tommy was named Theseus but Tommy didnt. He always asked but no one told him the story of theseus till they got adopted by Philza , Techno told him the story and Tommy thought it was weird to be named after a myth , Why was he called theseus?

,,Hey dad , can i ask you something?" Tommy sounded serious.

,,what is it tommy?"

,,Why am I named Theseus?" Dream giggled a bit because he knew their dad would have to answer this time , normaly he would say that he will tell him when hes 17 but now he is 17 so the time has come.

,,I have to tell you dont I?"

,,Sure do"

,,Well... when you were born we didnt have a name for you yet. You opended your eyes and the first name that came to my mind when i looked at your eyes was ,Theseus' . I heard the myth about someone named Theseus and you reminded me of that person, your eyes had the same colour and when you got older you looked even more like him. I dont know how or why but you do. Your wings are the same and your hair and eyes have the same colour. When I looked in your eyes I saw that your going to go through shit and that your futur will first not be the best but that you will heal , like the myth says. the myth also sayd that theseus died and came back many years later as a new person , I didnt believe it till i saw you.." He smiled at Tommy and contiuned to talk

,,Your mother couldnt believe it when i told her. She was so mad that you didnt look like her but that ,dumb' myth. She always hated myths and gods."

,,Wait- but wasnt Theseus a god? and it doesnt make any sense! I look like a dead god?!" Purpled clinged onto Tommy more and Tommy tried to be quieter.

,,you do tommy. What i think is that when he died he had to give his powers to someone but couldnt find someone worth for years , but then he saw you and gave you his powers" Ok now that was just weird , Tommy is suposse to be a God? He got powers from a dead guy and his parents noticed right after he was born? (I dont know the story from theseus and i just changed it ig? Its my story so i just wrote what came to my mind)

,,Thats just weird but i guess im just going to be okay with that explanation?" Tommy yawned after he said that

,,It was good to see you theseus , ill get going now" Dream and their dad left , and Tommy stayed in the posision he was and let Purpled and shroud sleep. He was tired to but he couldnt sleep because he had to think about the story of his name

,Somethings telling me that this isnt everything behind the story of my name. Is dad a god too? Did he know Theseus?!. No! He would have told me... but when i looked at Dream i saw that he knew more..' Purpled woke up and rubbed his eyes and yawned , still.on tommys lap

,,Had a good sleep Purp?" Tommys hand was on Purpled cheek

,,Yea , your comfy" Purpled leaned in his touch and Tommy just giggled

,,Pfff , good to know i guess. I'll put shroud in his bed so that he can sleep more" Purpled stood up and let Tommy bring Shroud to bed.

When Tommy came back he hugged Purpled from behind and had his head on Purpleds shoulder

,,What are you making?" Purpled was making something to eat


,,Hmm yummy" Purpled giggled and Tommy smiled

,,Your giggle is cute" , Purpled blushed a bit

,,Awww dont be embarrassed Purp"


,,Im your idiot purp"

,,Yes you are"

Everything was going great again. Tommy and Dream sometimes visited their dad , their dad divorced their mom , she moved somewhere else. Everything was great.

Hello Everyone! Its me the Autor again! i cant believe that i really wrote more than 7 chapters- i hoped to have 7 but now i already wrote 11!? I hope you liked it so far! Maybe the next chapter will be the end because i only have one more idea for this right now.

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