planning (8)

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Chapter 8 : The Wedding

Tommy picked Shroud up and went back to the Ufo, Purpled wasnt home yet. Tommy brought Shroud to bed and waited for Purpled. It was 1am now and Purpled still wasnt home. Tommy already texted and called him but he didnt answer and that made Tommy worried. Tommy called Purpled again and again , then the door opened , Tommy didnt notice Purpled coming in and tried to call him again

,,Hey Tommy , sorry im late" Purpled sat down next to Tommy and Tommy hang up on the phone and cuddled on Purpled

,,You bastard! You made me worried!"

,,Sorry, I Forgot to load my communicator".
,,Papa? Paps?" Shroud stood in the door from his room with his favourite blanket

,,Shroud? Whats wrong?" Tommy looked at him and saw that he had cried

,,I-I had a Nightmare.." Tommy stood up and Picked Shroud up

,,Ill go to sleep with him , when your tired just come" Tommy layed down on the bed with shroud and they both fell asleep. Purpled fell asleep on the Couch.

When Tommy woke up he saw that Shroud wasnt there anymore so he knew that Purpled was problably making food right now.

,,Morning Tommy"

,,Morning papa!" Tommy sat down next to Shroud and Purpled gave him Tee

,,here you go! Your favourite" Purpled kissed him on the head

,,Thanks. Is it okay if i leave shroud with you today? Im hanging out with Tubbo today"

,,of course".

Tommy went to Tubbos mansion

,,Hey bossman! Wheres Micheal?"

,,Hey Tommy! Hes out with Ranboo" Tubbo and Tommy walked to their bench and sat down listening to melohi

,,Ok so you already have a flower boy?"

,,A flower boy? No not yet-" Tubbo looked at him with excitement

,,Let me guess , you want to be the flower boy?"

,,Yes!" Tommy just laughed

,,Alright , Ill write it down" Tommy wrote down that Tubbo is the Flower boy. They hangout the whole day.

,,Its getting late , we should get home"

,,yeah your right Tubbo". When Tommy was home he saw Purpled on the floor exusted

,,Papa! your back!" Shroud ran to him and huged him , Tommy pat Shrouds head

,,What happened here?"

,,I chased him thought the whole Ufo! he wouldnt stop running!" Purpled sat up

,,Shroud. What did i tell you about running inside?" Tommy said in a Motherly tone

,,to not do it..." shroud looked down

,,what did you do?"

,,I ran in the Ufo... sorry papa..." Tommy hugged Shroud for a second

,,Its okay but apologize to your paps and clean your mess up!" Shroud went to Purpled and hugged him

,,Sorry paps"

,,Its okay Shroud , just please dont do it again"

,,Oki!" Shroud cleaned up his mess.

,,Purp go rest , i will make dinner" Purpled stood up and layed down on the couch. Shroud layed on him after cleaning his mess while Tommy made dinner.

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