Healing (10)

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Chapter 10 : Healing

Tommy stayed in the room for days , he didnt eat anything while he was in the room , he did drink something because he still had something from the day before he hid in the room. It has been 4days now. Purpled called Dream to finally get Tommy out of the room and they tried everything till Dream had enough

,,TOMMYINNIT! YOU WILL COME OUT OF THE ROOM RIGHT NOW!" dream didnt like screaming at Tommy but it was the only way to finaly get him out

,,O-okay! Im sorry!!..." You could here that Tommy was a bit scared because it always reminds him of his mother when someone screames something like that. Tommy opended the door and purpled ran to him and hugged him

,,You fucking idiot!" ,,Im sorry. Im sorry ,im sorry." Tommy hugged him back and saydnit over and over again. Purpled broke the hug and dream walked over to him

,,Your an Idiot tommy. Locking yourself in a Room isnt going to help you." dream sayd while hugging the blond boy.

,,I-..." Tommy couldnt say anything , he just broke down crying in Dreams arms

,,Purpled can you comfort tommy while i make food? He didnt eat for days and he needs a shower-" Purpled nodded

Tommy had to take shower and Purpled waited for him in the living room, they hid every key for the doors so that he couldnt look himself in a room again.

Tommy came out of the Bathroom when he was done , he was in there for 20minutes. He sat down next to Purpled who had put on Tommys faveriout movie

,,Tommy? Can you get your wings out? Just have to make sure you didnt cut them like when we were still living with mom and dad" Dream placed Three plates of food on the table and looked at Tommy.

,Shit- i forgot he always checks..' Tommy got his wings out and had his hands in fists on his knees.

,,Tommy! Ugh... Im so going to break that womes back!" Dream got an Aid kit and bandaged Tommys wings , his wings were a little bloody. He could still use them but it will hurt till they completly heal

,,You will keep your wings out! If i see you but not your wings i will check again! Ill tell everyone to tell me or purpled when they see you without wings."

,,Okay..." , Purpled held Tommys plate to him

,,Here , you have to eat something" Tommy took it and just starred on the food , after a few minutes he placed the food back on the table without eating anything.

,,Tommy you have to eat" Purpled tried to explain it to Tommy but he didnt listen , Dream had to leave , so it was only the two of them. Shroud was at Tubbos and Ranboos Mansion. Tommy finally took a bite of his bread and purpled smiled

,,See? Its not that bad right?" Tommy just shrugged and ate half the bread, he placed the other half back on the plate

,,Atleast you ate something.. but your going to eat more later alright?" tommy nodded and purpled washed the dishes. Tommy didnt talk much and it looked like he needed therapy . purpled talked with dream about it and dream wasnt that happy about it

,,he isnt going to therpy , he went there a few years ago and nothing helped , i doubt that any therapy can help him... he wont listen to them. i think the only people he needs right now are you and shroud." Dream smiled at Purpled , they said their byes and went their ways.

Purpled went to the Flower fiel where Tommy was with Shroud and Phil. Out of nowhere came a little butterfly and landed on Tommys nose

,,Oh- Pahahaa" Tommy started to laugh and shroud laughed with him , Phil and Purpled smiled , it was good to see Tommy laughing again. He didnt laugh since the wedding..

,,Im going to keep you and call you... hmm... Clementine!" Tommy had the little butterfly on his hands before it flew away

,,Nooo Clementine~" Tommy sounded a bit sad but also happy , Purpled sat down next to him and placed his head on Tommys shoulder

,,Good to hear you talking again" Purpled smiled and Tommy smiled a bit too. Tommy only talked sometimes but atleats he talking even if it was only a bit. He mostly talked to Purpled , Shroud or Ranboo. Ranboo came often to visit with Micheal so that the kids could play.

They said bye to Phil and left to go home

Ranboo knocked on the door

,,Hello Ranboo , come in" Purpled let Ranboo in and Micheal sprinted to Shrouds room , when tommy saw that he just giggled

,,Hello Tommy. How are you?" Ranboo always tried to start conversations and sometimes it worked but most of the time tommy answered very short like ,Hey Ranboo. Good , you?' But sometimes he answered longer

,Hey Ranboob. Im good , what about you?' . Today was one of the long answer days

,,Hey Ranboob. Im good ,What about you? And Hows Tubbo?" They all sat down

,,Im good too and Tubbo is Fine i would say. You want me to call him over?" Tommy thought about it for a bit , normaly he would nod or give a sign for no , he only spoke when he didnt have any signs for his answer and that wasnt that often.

,,Nah its okay.. maybe ill come over sometime, tell him i said hi when you go back" Purpled wasnt suprised because he spoke to tommy before Ranboo came but Ranboo was for a moment

,,I will" Ranboo smiled at Tommy and he signed Good.

,,dont want to talk anymore hm?" Tommy shock his head as no (idk how to write that) ,

,,thats okay, but do try to talk more"

,,Mhm!" Tommy layed on the Couch , Ranboo and Purpled talked and Tommy sometimes tried to atleast say a word. Tommy stood up ,sat down next to Ranboo and cuddled on him , he was cold and knew that Ranboo is like a Human heater.

,,Tommy! How could you! Your my husband not Ranboos! pff" Purpled pretended to be offended and Tommy just giggled and stayed where he was.

,,Welp- what can i say? Hes a human heater" Tommy sayed while Giggling even more.

,,Whatever-" Ranboos tail was wrapped about tommy and tommy fell asleep

,,Wha- how? He didnt sleep the whole night and i tried everything!"

,,Im an expert and i dont tell my secrets! I only know how because of tubbo and because this isnt the first time- When he sometimes visited us and stayed the night he would often come in my room and i got him to sleep , he knew if he cant sleep but wants to he just has to come to me. but we dont know why he always falls asleep because of me" Purpled just laughed a bit

,,I guess you have to stay till he wakes up"

,,Huh? What do you mean?" ranboo looked to tommy and saw that he was hugging his tail

,,Wow- guess im stuck with your husband". They talked more and the kids came to them to watch a movie , Tommy still slept , Purpled put a blanked on him and gave one to Ranboo aswell , of couse the kids got one to and he got himself one to. They all fell asleep.

Ranboo woke up with micheal next to him in his mansion, Tubbo told him he had teleportet home in his sleep and that he already told purpled. Purpled and shroud woke up in their beds. Purpled stood up and went to the kitchen , he saw tommy standing there and hugged him from behind.

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