The ruined Wedding (9)

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Chapter 9 : The ruined Wedding

It was a week before their wedding , shroud was with puffy whild purpled and tommy were getting their outfits for the wedding. when they went home they stoped at tommys old dirst house because he had to get something , he made a few days ago.

,,Here , i made the rose myself so that we can match on our wedding!"

,,Aww thats sweet!" Purpled took the self made rose and held Tommys hand.

On the day of the wedding

It was suposse to be the happiest day of Tommy and Purpleds lives.

,,Purpled do you want Tommyinnit as you platonic husband? if so say yes"

,,Yes i do" purpled said with a smile

,,Tommy do you want Purpled as your platonic husband? if so say yes"

,,Ye-" Before Tommy could finish someone came running in

,,I OBJEKT! MY SON IS NOT GETTING MARRIED TO A GUY!" Everyone looked to the women that was standing in the middle of the church

,,M-mom?!" Tommy was so mad right now at his parents , Dream stood up and wanted to say something because he thought tommy was to shcoked and scared right now but he thought wrong, Tommy went to them and stood right infront of them

,,What are you doing here?!"  Everyone was shocked , no one but tommy and dream knew who the women was till she said something that shocked everyone even more

,,Im your Mother! i deserve to be here at your wedding!! I came here when i heard that your getting married to a GUY!" The Women slapped Tommy


,,Theseus calm down-" his father came in now

,,Shut up! you litterly just watched when she hit me!.." Tommy had tears in his eyes but tried to hide them

,,I cant believe after all that time and what youve done you come here and ruin everything again!!" Tommy cried and was more then just mad , he cried and ran out.

,,I cant believe it! he just ran away! like a few years ago!" His mother didnt even care what was going on right now

,,I think you should go" Dream stood there with an Axe , their parents ran out.

,,Purpled do you have an Idea where he could hide?"

,,No.. Everyone go search for tommy please! ill go look at the flower field!" Everyone went to look for tommy .

Purpled found him crying behind a tree on the flower field

,,Toms?..." Purpled sat down in front of Tommy , Tommy looked up and his eyes were red from crying so much

,,I-I... Im so sorry! this is a-all my fault!" Tommy cried even more now , Purpled hugged him and rubbed his back

,,Shhh.... dont blame yourself for it.. its not Your fault" Tommy hugged Purpled back and snuggeld on him trying to calm down. after a few minutes purpled layed on the tree and tommy slept , he fell asleep while they had hugged.

Purpled texted everyone that they can go home and that hes sorry abut what happened and that he found tommy. Tommy woke up after an hour but they werent outside anymore , he was in the bedroom.

Tommy stood up and changed into something comfy. He went to the living room where purpled sat talking with ranboo and tubbo while watching tv , Tommy cuddled up on purpled

,,Morning toms" Purpled played with Tommys hair

,,Morning..." Tommy said with a sleepy voice.

,,We'll get going now, bye have fun!" Tubbo and Ranboo took the kids and went to their mansion , purples aked them to take shroud with them so that they would have it quiet for now. They cuddled and spoke about what had happened 

,,want to watch a Movie?" Purpled asked Tommy while playing with his hair

,,Sure but lets watch it in the bedroom , its more comfortable there" They grabbed blankets , their laptop and snacks. they watched a scary movie but tommy didnt react at all

,Thats weird.. normaly he reacts atleast a little or makes jokes' purpled thought to himself

,,Are you okay tommy?" Tommy didnt respond but he was still awake.
The next day Purpled talked to the phil and techno

,,he didnt even make any jokes!?" Phil said shocked

,,Thats what i just said Phil-"

,,wow.. his mother must have made him more upset then i thought" Techno looked up to the bedroom door , it was closed because Tommy didnt want to come out.

,,So he really just closed the door when you went out for a sec?"

,,yap , he sure did phil. I tried to calm him down by talking to him because i cant get in but he just kept on crying and didnt let me in... Im worried Phil..."

,,Im sure he will open the door today again... i dont know when but if he does you have tell me and try to keep tommy with you so that he doesnt just close himself in a room again" Purpled nodded in agrement. Techno and Phil left

,,Papa?..." Shroud stood at the bedroom door , Purpled picked him up

,,dont worry shroud.. im sure he will come out of the room soon , just give him some time" Purpled gave a soft smile to shroud and let him down on the couch and turned on shrouds favourite Show.

He made something to eat and then put shroud to bed after eating (just a little nap) , then he tried to make tommy come out of the room

,,Come on tommy... you have to eat something.." Tommy just humed like a no and contiuned to cry a bit.

,,Tommy... please.."

,,dont worry about me purp.... ill be okay here..." Tommys voice sounded sleepy and you could here that he has been crying for a while now

,,Tommyinnit! Im your husband! I have to worry!" Tommy didnt hear that , he heard something else from his past

,,THESEUS! IM YOUR MOTHER! You have to listen to me!!"

,,G-Go away!" tommy cried and remembered more things from his past

,,A-alright... ill go get some stuff.. please let Shroud in if he asks... hes just a kid..." after that Purpled could only here crying again and went to get stuff.

When he came back he saw shroud wanting to go in to Tommy but tommy still didnt open the door.

,,Tommy , please open the door , you cant stay in there forever... everyone is worried about you.." Tommy didnt reply and stayed in the room for days.

Maan its getting weird again! Why is everythink i write so weird!?

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