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23 days that's how long Y/N, Josh, Kim, Jessie, Mike, and Sophie disappeared.

Everyone in Japan earth 87161 is back to normal. Nothing changed, except that the media is dying to ask for an interview about the incident.

Meanwhile, in UA they're waiting for the six to arrive. Class 1A is waiting patiently for their classmate Y/N to arrive. 

Mr. Aizawa and All Might are outside the campus after training Class 1A and 1B they are looking at the sky hoping that the six absent UA students come back.

"It's almost a month and they didn't come back, hope they're alright." All Might said as turn to look at Mr. Aizawa with his usual sleepy face.

Mr. Aizawa sighed as he looked up at the sky, hoping they would return.

They suddenly felt a strong wind behind them as they were about to go inside.

They turn around to see the Guardians of the Galaxy ship called 'The Benatar'  landing in front of UA.

The ship open revealed Mr. Rogers, Ms. Romanoff, Mr. Rhodes, Rocket, Mr. Bruce, Thor, Carol, and Nebula coming out of the ship with their suits.

Mr. Aizawa took out his scarf as he was ready for them to attack. Mr. Rhodes and Rocket took out their guns as their about to shoot them but were stopped by Mr. Rogers motioning them to not attack.

"Sorry for disturbing you, I'm Steve Rogers one of the kid's guardians. You must be Eraserhead and All Might I presume." Mr. Rogers said as he slowly walk towards them.

Mr. Aizawa lowered his weapon as All Might walked toward them.

"Are they okay? Where are they?" All Might questioned as Mr. Aizawa walk towards the two men.

Mr. Rogers gripped his shield as he look down at the verge of tears.

All might look at him confused until his eyes widen realizing that...' No There is no way they're gone! Right?!' All Might said to himself.

"I'm sorry but we did everything to get them back..." Mr. Rogers said as Mr. Aizawa's eyes widen upon hearing this information Mr. Rogers continued.

"Thanos wipe out 50% of the population and they are one of that 50% thought we could get them back by snapping back the gauntlet, but the stones are gone they're not coming back." Mr. Rogers said as All Might looked down at the ground on the verge of tears.

Mr. Aizawa put his hand on All Might's shoulder as he looks at him with a sad look on his face and shooking his head.

He can't accept that his student is gone, but he needs to accept it now that she's gone.


All Might and Mr. Aizawa are at the common room waiting for the students and the other teachers, even the Avengers are waiting for them.

Ms. Natasha clutched the necklace that Y/N once have.

The door open revealing all Of the students Of Class 1A, Class 1B, The other teachers, and some of one of their closest friend in UA. 

"Who are these people, All Might?" Principal Nezu said as he sat down at the couch.

He was waiting a response from him as he look at him. 

"This will be huge shock for all of you, but.." All Might paused as all of the new arrivies look at him confused till Ms. Natasha set down the necklace as she click something as a hologram appeared.

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