camilo hcs

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- Camilo is (officially) only 4 months older than Mirabel but HOLDS THAT OVER HIS HEAD.

- when Camilo got his Gift and Mirabel didn’t, he thought that he stole all of the magic and felt guilty when Mirabel didn't get a Gift.

- Camilo is a theatre kid. [Kind of confirmed by Jared Bush]

- when Camilo coughs or sneezes, he can't control his shapeshifting.

- Camilo doesn't like shape-shfiting for too long at one time because he feels that he starts to forget what he looks like normally and shape-shifts back because he gets scared.
- Camilo has a few pictures of himself in his room just in case he forgets what he looks like.
- Camilo always carries a picture of himself with him just in case he forgets what he looks like.

- Camilo has practically CONSTANT body and face dysmorphia

- If Camilo had a crush he’d probably do that thing where you talk to yourself back and forth and he’ll shapeshift inbetween

- Camilo starts drama in the town by shape-shifting.

- Camilo would act super flirty with other kids his age but if he actually liked someone he’d be a stuttering mess or freeze up and accidentally turn into them. [A/N: I totally imagine him sucking at flirting with his crush as well and does a whole "so.. do you like cheese?" moment.]

- Camilo wears mismatched socks (when he does wear socks)

- Camilo was the first person to comfort Mirabel after she didn't get her Gift.

- If there’s free samples somewhere, Camilo changes into a bunch of different ppl to get as much as he wanted.

- Camilo offered to share a room with Mirabel when she didn’t get her Gift.

- Camilo is a mama's boy and jokes around with her a lot.

- When Camilo and Mirabel where younger he would shapeshift into her and say things like “I'm Mirabel and I'm so pretty (platonically)” to stop her from being sad for not having a Gift.

- if Camilo had a partner coming over Isabela would shout "CAMILO YOUR PARTNER'S HERE" and laugh to tease him.

- Camilo tries to jump scare Isabela every chance he gets.

- Camilo kisses up to Julieta to get extra food

- At a party, Camilo'll just pull up a chair and sit AT the food table. Everybody's just going along and serving themselves and he's just sitting there AT the food table.

- Camilo is an EXPERT with kids.

- After Mirabel didnt get her Gift, Camilo didnt shapeshift for a good while and refused to unless Mirabel ensured him it was 100% okay for him to do so, multiple times.

- Camilo (along with shape shifting into a baby) gets hiccups when he's nervous.

- Camilo did a backflip once and no one believes him. Antonio and Dolores believe him tho.

- Camilo purposely loses at games to make people feel good about themselves

- Camilo is really good at art and painting.

- Camilo really likes strawberries

- Camilo loves going ALL OUT for April Fools

- Camilo whispers to Dolores during the night about everything he can think of. Like the convo will go from space to meatballs in a matter of seconds.

- Camilo has voice cracks

- Camilo sings "We Don't Talk About Bruno" to himself while he does chores.

- Camilo is a big softy with cats

- Camilo types in all lowercase.

- Camilo writes in a journal to get to know himself and identity better.

- Camilo still believes in Santa.

- Camilo does the 5 second rule.

- Camilo does finger guns.

- Camilo draws suns with sunglasses and faces.

- Camilo is a pretty fast runner.

- Camilo still sleeps with a stuffed chameleon that Bruno gave him when he was little.

- Camilo likes to have slumber parties with his cousins.

- Whenever Camilo tries to tell somebody about something funny, he'll laugh uncontrollably before he even tells them.

- Camilo's room is like the Room of Requirement from Harry Potter, and changes to whatever Camilo needs to do be at that moment.
- although Camilo's room is like the Room of Requirement, his base of his room is a theatre.

- Camilo has a love for playing the piano, but since Agustín already plays the piano and is a musician, Camilo has insecurities about playing it, so the only place he'll play the piano is in his room. And only Dolores knows about it and she's super supportive of it and respects his insecurities about it.

- Camilo has asthma

- Camilo listens to Selena (and cries EVERY TIME he listens to "Dreaming of You")

- Camilo likes reading

- Camilo loves the rain.

- Camilo snores.. LOUDLY.

- Camilo changes his eye color (and only his eye color) every once in a while to purple because he genuinely loves how it looks

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