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"Mutations, like these Supermutants and Ghouls must be purged from society... our world. Before we can perceive a new. Men and Women of the world will longer with horrors and monstrosities that of become so common in the wasteland."-President John Henry Eden

Padme gave a sigh of relief, 'Finally, someone who is trying to do good.' Anakin didn't know why but he felt unease from those words, like they had a double meaning. That this President Eden didn't exactly have the best intentions for the people of the wasteland, it felt cold and calculating. Like the people to Eden weren't people but, dare he think, these mutants. 'That's insane' he thought. 'There's no way he would kill his own people for just having radiation in their bodies. Right?'

Even Dooku was trying hard not to shudder, "That would be a waste of manpower if he's implying what I believe he is implying."

FALLOUT Lore: Ch.5 – The Enclave

As far as anyone knows, this wasteland is the best damned wasteland in the world. When America and China went head-to-head two hundred years ago, both sides launched everything they had and most people assume that China was blasted back to the Stone Age. The only way to know for sure is to jump in a boat and paddle across the ocean so folks just assume that China, Europe, Canada and the rest of the world got hit at least as badly as America did. People look out at this land and some of them just know in their hearts that it's the garden spot of the whole world. Maybe that's why we can't go more than a few decades without someone trying to take over the place.

"That explains the Master and Brotherhood. But what does this have to do with the Enclave?" Plo Koon asks.

Anakin couldn't help but laugh a little. "Ya know, compare our galaxy to the wasteland, maybe the same principle applies, our galaxy is so good that someone wants to have it all to themselves." Mace gives Anakin annoyed glare while Kit Fisto laughs at the young knight's joke.

When humanity was just beginning the struggle to rebuild after the war, there was no sign of the government helping out. People formed tribes led by the strongest warriors and the smartest scavengers. The chain of command and the line of succession meant nothing to people who needed things done fast. The closest thing to a government that emerged was tribal elders, or the mayors of small villages.

Dooku nods, "makes sense, their world had ended in fire and death. So they would look to some local leadership then the government for help."

"Didn't help that any government that was left was killed off after the bombs drop." Lucy stated.

Eventually, in 2189, some of the larger towns in California banded together and formed the New California Republic, but they never claimed to be THE government. With no communications from the pre-War government for over a century, the memory of it faded as new generations replaced the old, convinced the old president and his kind were long dead, but the wasteland ain't so lucky...

"Of course." Shaak Ti groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

Two hundred years ago, in the last days before the Great War, a secret coterie of America's top-ranking political and corporate leaders decided to duck and cover – big time. They scurried right off the continent and hid inside a secret offshore base then cowered there while the rest of the country suffered a nuclear holocaust the government had caused.

Padme just stood there shocked, processing that THE GOVERNMENT! Was acting like cowards ignoring people who needed help, and with a mighty intake of air she shouted so loud you could swear her yell could be heard clearly into the separatist territory. "ARE YOU KRIFFING KIDDING ME!?"

Barris jumped at hearing the senator's voice causing her to look around in fear.

At the Naboo office Jar Jar falls backwards at hearing the angry scream of his senator.

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