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In the Jedi Council Chamber, everyone noticed the lack of a certain Jedi Master. As some get nervous at the possible detonation of the box, Cora comes online looking at the viewers with a raised eyebrow. "What's a matter with you?"

"Obi-Wan, not here and you're going to blow up." Ahsoka said scared of everyone dying because of a missing person.

Cora smiles calmly before speaking. "Don't worry, he is watching the logs on Mandalore. So no one broke any rules." This causes a lot to calm down, especially Ahsoka while Mace has his eyes narrow. As the logs begin, two quotes happened at the same time.

"I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on."-Malpais Legate

"We shall see how brave you are when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, your body facing west so you may watch your world die"-Legate Lanius

Barriss felt something from the 1st quote, while the 2nd, hearing that voice caused her to be scared.

Satine has for some reason from the second voice made her feel like she made a mistake.

Bo shoke a bit. "What....monster does that 2nd voice belong to?" She asks a little unnervedly.

"Lanius, it is a Legion word meaning Butcher." Beth said in a cold voice.

If Trench could sweat, he would at that moment gain a little fear from this 'Legion' word.

In the Jedi Council, Padme felt a sense of dread but it was the Jedi that felt mixed emotions. One had a hint of regret well the other was filled with malice.

FALLOUT Lore: Ch.12 – Caesar's Legates

Walk the wasteland long enough and anyone will gather a few scars. Gecko bites, laser burns, scorpion stings. The little scars make for nice talk at parties, but some scars are so deep, so big that they end up defining a person for the rest of their lives. You see a man burned head-to-toe and he keeps on walking, or someone with their face torn off who refuses to lie down and die – That's a person who has more important things to do than tell you their story over a bottle of nuka cola.

Anakin whistles, "That man has some serious will power, that or him and the force has an understanding."

Vizsla had to do a double take looking at the screen with wide eyes. "I have heard of stories similar to warriors of mandalore of old doing the same feets....but to hear the same on terra."

When Caesar and his Legion came upon the Hoover Dam in 2277, he knew that it was his destiny to march his army across the Colorado river just as the first Caesar had crossed another river two thousand years before. Unlike the original Caesar, this new Caesar found himself facing a foe that would not yield at the mere sight of an approaching army. The New California Republic was just as determined to hold that dam as the Legion was to take it.

When the battle came, Caesar's legate made several mistakes in the command of his forces. A combination of overzealousness and righteousness made the Legion an easy victim for a trap laid by the NCR, and the resulting debacle put an end to the Legion's march West. Now they wait on the far bank of the Colorado river, rebuilding their army with fresh slaves taken from the fiercest tribes East of the dam, looking for a way to send the NCR running in earnest terror.

All those who were against the Legion smiled at the memory of the Legion's defeat at Boulder City. Though the reminder that the Legion is still explaining was cause of rage for the more aggrieved Legion haters.

The man who led them to their catastrophic defeat had been Caesar's first General. At the time he went by the title Malpais Legate, but he was once known as Joshua Graham, one of Caesar's oldest friends. Like all men, Caesar feared the unknown, and placed his trust in the people he knew best. Malpais Legate might have been the person best qualified to lead the assault and simply fell victim to a cunning ploy by the NCR commanders. Or maybe Caesar was unable to see the limits in his old friend's abilities, and should have led the charge himself. Either way, Malpais was punished for his failure in the worst way the Legion could find. Burned alive and thrown into the Grand Canyon. Even if Graham managed to survive, he'd be disfigured and in agony for the rest of his life.

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