Mr. House's New Vegas

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When the holo device was active, two Kaleesh froze at seeing each other. The larger one reaches out his metal claws as the female reaches another with her own only for their hands to go through each other but they didn't leave it be. Both speak at the sametime, "Qymaen, where are you?" "Ronderu, how are you alive?" Pausing for a moment of silence the two couldn't say anything as both were holding back tears and failing, until the giant could speak. "Where are you now?" The female couldn't hold back anymore before breaking down and getting comforted by the giant through the hologram.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" Bo Katan asks at her sister in a confused look.

Satine sighed "I said I need your help as well as Death Watch's". Bo Katan looked at her sister, looking at her for any hint of deception, finding none, she asked "Why, why do you need my help and the help of Death Watch." The other Death Watch members looked over at Bo watching the conversation with more than a little interest, after all the Duchess who drove them off planet, who in their eyes had neutered the Mandalorian people needed their help 'this should be good' was the main thought going through their heads.

With resignation in her face what Satine said next stunned all of the Watch "Because Mandalore marches to war."

Silence, dead silence covered the room. They honestly couldn't believe their ears at Mandalore going to war, this was completely unexpected.

"I'm sorry" Bo said "did you just say Mandalore marches to war." The question was asked in complete shock, because Bo-Katan knew her sister, she was a pacifist, threw and threw, so whatever cause this had to have enraged her enough to awaken the Mando blood in her.

"Yes" Satine said "you heard right mandalore marches to war, and I need you Bo and Death Watch to train the Mandalorian army that will see the enemy burn and their cities destroyed."

'Yup' Bo thought 'someone somewhere just made my sister absolutely Livid.'

Satine looked down and pushed some buttons "here" she said "watch this video with the Watch and say that this does make you absolutely livid." With the push of a button the Video on the Legion was sent to Bo and the watch.


"Okay" Bo said "show of hands, who else is absolutely pisses off at this Legion and it's Kaiser" nearly everyone out their hands up with quite a few throwing tables into the walls in anger, even Vizsla for all his dislike of the Duchess could be found trying to control his anger at this legion for its backwards thinking. It was a near unanimous agreement Death Watch would help the Duchess. Bo looked at the members all gathered around and they all nodded their heads in agreement. With that she looked at her sister "Satine" she said " we all agree we will help you but only if we lead the charge again this legion fucker and put his head in a pike!"

Satine smiled at this "Wonderful" she said " and that is not all my dear sister, this planet would be perfect for death watch to sate their blood lust with, I will also be forwarding the previous videos we all have seen, and don't worry about being arrested when you all get here I will be giving all of Death Watch Royal Pardons. Goodbye sister, I look forward to seeing you all here." with a click the Holoemitter cut off.

Bo and the rest of death watch all turned to each other and started to laugh, it was irony to them that for all the Republic tried and all the separatists tried they couldn't move Satine from her Neutrality stance, but these Hut'uun legionaries could 'oh yes' they all thought 'this will be glorious indeed.'

As they viewed the previous logs one member of death watch spoke up. "These rangers, they seem like honorable warriors." A younger member of the now ex exiled mandalorian warriors spoke.

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