The Courier

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"IS-E, begin recording." A woman's voice can be heard on the black screen before turning on. The screen now shows a woman in multicam camouflage Reinforced M2 Combat Armor with a Ranger helmet in the same pattern with glowing green eyes. She is standing in the middle of a graveyard at the top of a hill, overlooking a small town. "The Wasteland is full of the Living Legends. Sarah Lyons, Ashur, Chief Hanlon, Lanius, Joshua Graham, Ulysses, The King and Arthur Maxson." As she speaks a slide show begins, showing individuals and environment change as she states their names before showing a man in black riot gear looking over New Vegas within the Lucky 38. "But one legend proved to be a cut above the rest."

It then cuts to the woman and her eyebot walking down the hill as she continues speaking. "I had the honor chance to not only meet him but also learn of his past, with the only payment was to make these logs for some project. But I'm more than happy to help, especially now that I have a new companion to travel around with." The eyebot gives a happy beeps at hearing the woman's words.

"Alright, alright... Anyways, most people believe that Goodsprings was the start of the Courier's story. But to get to the Heart of the story, you must go back to the beginning." The scene starts to return to a slide show, showing the empty grave after showing Goodsprings' sign before changing to show Navarro.

"After the Chosen One destroyed the Oil Rig many Enclave members deserted Navarro to save themselves from the wrath of both the NCR and Brotherhood. One such member made it to a tribe across the Colorado, well records of the tribe no longer exist to the wasteland except with the Courier and the Legion. This member would marry a tribesman before giving birth to the Courier."

Showing a helmetless woman in power armor wandering the wastes before meeting some tribes. It then cuts to the woman in tribe cloth laying down with a baby in hand with a man next to her.

A strange symbol is shown on screen. "His name was a symbol that his tribe had used in their religion. Though he refuses to tell it, he must have reasons, after all the Legion has been hunting down the remnants of his tribe for decades."

"His tribe was one of the 1st to fight against the Legion, for years they kept the Legion at bay. The Courier throughout his youth had known three things, War, Pre-War America and the belief of his tribe. He took part in the defense of his tribe before he had a vision when speaking with the tribe's shaman. After that vision he left his home taking his mother's power armor with him, months later the tribe was exterminated by the Legion by a trap led by Caesar." Image shows battle between the Legion against the tribe before showing the Courier as a boy to teenager with tattoos on his chest and right arm. The younger Courier is then shown holding his head in pain as his shaman tries to comfort him, the last slide shows the Courier wearing the power armor walking away.

The slideshow stops as the narrator walks past Primm, as she does a man with a large black hat watch her travel past. "It should be noted that the Courier doesn't hate Caesar for destroying his tribe, killed his friends and family. In fact he respects the man, calling him Kai-sar like the legionaries. At some point he would travel west of Colorado making it to Hopeville. There he created something new."

"The Courier began to build a new settlement in Hopeville and Ashton with help from other Couriers, one such Courier became close with him and the two wed and had a daughter. He would have built it better if he hadn't given the NCR a device that destroyed his home." It shows the Courier in Black Riot Gear traveling the ruins before showing a woman traveling with him then shows the two kissing before picking up a three year old girl. But then an image of the creation of the Divide came in ending the slides.

"The Courier grew angry, some even said that he straight up refused to work for the NCR. And reports of dead NCR military and politicians were met with unfortunate ends. But years later, he was given a job by none other than Mr House, one that could affect the fate of the Mojave."

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