8-his soul

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Meanwhile, Michael was just thinking about how lucky he is to be here with you... sitting on your comfortable bed even though his weight pushes down upon the bed making it slightly tilted. He wanted to just... feel your soft lips and smell your scent. It was odd for Michael to feel this way due to him being locked up his whole life. He knew he felt something strong towards you but his mind couldn't wrap around it. He didn't feel the need to kill... or hurt someone or even feel uncomfortable.

"How... did you find me or know I was here in Haddonfield?" you asked with curious eyes, he began to think about what to say. Slowly writing on the old notebook that was held in his calloused hands.


The word made you get chills, she was probably speaking about you and exposed your location is what you assumed. Michael wasn't... Michael at this point was extremely intimidating and incredibly dry with his movements. It's like he's literally dead?

"Why.... did you kill Leslie and Ollie..?" your breath was shaky when you spoke out the question. Michael looked down for a fat minute until he wrote down the things he was going to say.

"they shamed you for knowing me personally-"

before he could finish the pencil snapped into two, his fingers softly releasing the pencil- he was writing out of anger.

It sort of made you feel upset knowing Leslie spoke bad about you, even after you guys talked she still hasn't changed a bit. But she did not deserve to die...

He releases the notebook and sets it down back on your dresser before taking the stuffed animal from your bed. Observing how raggedy it was, you gave a soft smile due to how skrunkily the stuffed animal looked

"I kept it ever since, It was something that comforted me while you were away." you fiddled with your fingers as you spoke. You knew exactly why he was sent away and it pained you knowing that you still have an attachment to him even if he was a terrible person. You were self-aware beyond the fact that You literally are at fault if he continues to kill from here.

"What are you planning to do now Michael..?" you asked him- hoping he will maybe speak since the pencil was snapped into two. He pointed his finger down, signaling that he wanted to stay in your house as a hideout?!

"uhm... I am not sure that's even a good idea" you scoffed with shock when he crossed his arms in disappointment.

"you do realize if We or I get caught it'll be over for me and especially you... you could end up dying and ill be put in jail for housing a serial killer. Especially one that killed people who I personally knew." you said while waving your hands around when you spoke.

Michael then grabbed your wrist aggressively making you yelp, his mask stared at you- it had 0 emotion to look at but you knew he was upset at what you said. It was either you betraying him and losing your life protecting him.

"You are hurting me." you raised your voice slightly making him aware of his actions. He let go of your wrist and looked down, almost as if he was ashamed.

Your head began to pound with pain from the injury, you grunted in agony before getting up to go to the kitchen. Michael shot up from where he was sitting- alerted by your sudden movement.

"Michael Im just going downstairs to get medicine or something... " You said with slight annoyance before heading down the stairs with Michael behind you.

Michael didn't really care if you were upset or not, he cared that you were here with him and that's all that really mattered. He didn't care about the cops, or Loomis and anyone in this sickening town. He wanted to see this town burn, there was no reason for him to but he just craved the feeling of innocent blood on his hands.

Michael was snapped out of his thoughts when you slid over a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in front of him. His mouth watered- PB and J were one of his old-time favorites when he was younger. You sighed at him before returning to the cabinet to care for your wound to give him space for him to take off that... haunting mask.

weren't sure why he wore it, looking at it literally made you feel more uncomfortable. Time flew by so fast but so slow from how much his missing presence affected you. You knew Michael since the day you got into Haddonfield. You two grew up together, it was heartwarming that he still remembered you. Although, knowing that he's... a murderer and literally killing people is what bothered you the most. As much as you missed him, you didn't want to get involved whatsoever.  

"You know this is wrong Mikey... but I suppose you could stay." your voice shook with your quick decision. Michael felt happy knowing you'll let him stay, he was almost relieved but your company wasn't enough to suppress his own urges. He then took his knife and softly set you aside.  you knew what he was up to. You knew exactly what he was going to do, you hoped the best for whoever he chooses to end... You rubbed the temple of your nose and grabbed the empty plate that was left with only bread crumbs. 

Michael knew you wouldn't betray his trust, he knew you would never do that to him even if you wanted to. The funny thing is that he could never imagine you ever leaving him, leaving his soul to rot. He thought of you as his and the only solution to his peace, his answer to all his doubtful thoughts. But Michael never changed, he will always stay the monster no matter what. He will still crave the color of red splattered on his calloused hands.

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