Prelude.⛧They have to hate you...

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A happy day will it be when you are burnt⛧

—JULES MICHELET (La Sorcière; The Witch)

The newscaster says the enemy is among us [...]

The Daily Mail says the enemy is among us [...]

I watched TV, it informed me [...]

There must be accountability

So I go hunting for witches.

-Bloc Party

Häxan. Witchcraft Through the Ages. (1922)


-Fade [Break-Bumper].

»-These are the 5:30 headlines.


»-You Tune On...

»-This is the morning's weather report...

-Massive collapse is reported on Westland Row Street. Citizens, who were walking on public roads, could witness the fragmentation of asphalt that displaced and overturned some transport vehicles.

-Unimaginable tragedy by omission of warning": During the early hours of Sunday morning, a succession of tornadoes occurred, triggering historic devastation (Damage EF4 and EF5- Enhanced Fujita). National Weather Service was unable to detect [...]

-Ash whirlwinds prevent carrying out the protocol to extinguish the flames. State of emergency declared.

»-Hectares of nature reserve burned. Warning: Harrowing images [...] Significant losses of animal species are estimated.

-Frost [...] The cold front generates concern for homeless people.

-Humanitarian crisis. After the earthquake, dozens of [...]

The Worst Witch ☽ Daughter of the Night ⚝ Story of Nyx Moon HardbroomWhere stories live. Discover now