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Based on episode of Shameless - season 2 episode 8 - "Parenthood"

The asshole that is Lip dropped out of school to look after his pregnant blonde bimbo girlfriend

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The asshole that is Lip dropped out of school to look after his pregnant blonde bimbo girlfriend.

I had been very busy with school. Since Jake moved back in I didn't have to do my job at the diner. I had more time to go on dates like tonight with Jamal.

Mandy had invited me round to get ready at hers it was a Wednesday night but who cares.

"Are you sure this isn't a little short?" I say referring to my very short skirt Mandy lent me.

"Girl the shorter, the better." Mandy replied pulling up her skirt in the mirror.

We got the movie theatre Me and Jamal and Mandy and some guy called Gavin were going on a double date.

I sat next to Jamal with Mandy next to me and Gavin next to Mandy.

Midway during the film I felt Jamal place an arm round me which I have to admit made me blush. He was a gentlemen and since Lip was starting a family with the bimbo why shouldn't I move on.

I leaned over to Jamal and whispered in his ear "You look handsome tonight." He looked back at me and smiled putting his mouth to my ear "thank you, you are looking beautiful yourself."

I blushed he was very sweet. I really liked him.

After the movie we had dinner and it just made me like Jamal even more.

It was the next morning and again Jake had made breakfast this time it was eggs. "Morning daughter." He said again making me roll my eyes.

"Give it a rest Jake. You do this every morning." I roll my eyes again and I took the eggs off him.

"Give me a shot at being your dad." He said with way to much energy for 9:30 in the morning.

"Go back to Australia." I said, Jake acted fake shocked about this. My mother walked down the stairs with her hair done nicely and she was sober.

"Morning hunny." She gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked over to Jake giving him a kiss on the lips. Making me fake gag.

"Right I gotta go now bye mum. Bye Jake." I grabbed my bag and left the house.

Seeing Ian walking further down the road with. Wait is that Lip? They had made up their argument as well. Thank god.

"Lip!" I shouted running to get to them. Lip turned around stopping causing Ian to stop they both watched me run to them with my arms out.

I stop once I get to them to get my breath back "holy shit. I am *puff* very unfit." Ian laughed and patted my back "you should go on runs with me."

I gave him a disgusted look "Never. I am boycotting it." Ian just sighed and we all carried on walking.

"Soo Lip," I started in a energetic voice turning my head slowly to him "your back at school. It's about time."

"Only because Fiona made me. We made a bet if she gets her GED I go back to school." He replied in such a dead-end tone.

"Really Fi is tryna get her GED good for her." I commented making it a mental note to stop by tonight to help her.

"Topic change cause you two are boring me. How's your new dad Jake." Ian asked poking me. "Stop he's not my dad. He's alright. Making my mum happy so that's all that matters." I reply looking at the floor smiling.

"Wait Jake the one who left for Australia came back?" Lip asked I just realised he didn't know any of this.

"Yeah. The Jake. Trust me I was as confused and shocked as you were." I replied looking at Lip. He did have a nice face a really nice face.

"Your a bit behind on the news about Lissa huh." Ian teased holding my arm. Lip looked almost hurt by that comment.

"Hey Lip he didn't mean it. You've been busy with your own things. I don't blame you." I reassured squeezing his shoulder.

We were now by the school when a voice shouted "HEY LIS." I let go of Lips's shoulder to wave at Jamal who was standing with his basketball club at the front of the school.

"How does Jamal Maleek know you?" Lip asked he almost sounds jealous. Don't be playing that game Lip you have a preggo girlfriend.

"She kind of dating him." Mandy answered walking over to them groups linking arms with me. "Come on let's go say hi." We giggle and walk over to him not looking back at Lip.

I noticed in lessons Lip was very out of it. "Hey Lip you haven't filled any of the worksheet out." I whispered he looked at me and shrugged looking back out the window.

—In the afternoon after school—

Fiona called and said Carl wanted me to watch his football game which I couldn't say no to.

I arrived walking over to Fiona "hey Fi." I said and she gave me a hug and said "hey Lis. I'm so stressed." I gave her another cuddle and said she could talk to me.

"Well I have been trying to get my GED but I'm just a stupid high school dropout. And Lip got expelled for swearing at the teacher and I have to look after 5 kids with no help." She was crying so I hugged her.

Carl did a perfect tackle making Fiona wipe her eyes and shout "Go Carl!"

Some very pretty girl who was sitting infront waved at me. I waved back not sure who she was. "Haha." She giggled when I waved at her. Fiona looked at me and said "Jimmy's girlfriend." I nodded slowly just accepting it.

"Oh my god you don't know who Jimmy is. He's my ex boyfriend who left but came back and now he has to be marry his mafia bosses daughter." I looked at her and said "right."

I walked in the Gallaghers house with Carl next to me "the winner the best Carl Gallagher." I shouted making my presence known.

I ran over to Liam feeding him his food while Fiona went over the Lip I could hear her talking to him.

I walked over to see what was going on as Lip started shouting. Fiona started shouting "school or Leave. I bust my ass working 8 jobs just to feed you. Your job is school. School. Or. Leave." We all stood shocked and silent as Lip ran up the stairs.

We all went back to the kitchen when Lip ran down with bags in his hands. "What are you doing?" Fiona asked walking back over to him.

"I'm not going to school. You said school or leave. So I'm fucking leaving." He walked out the front door and Carl ran after him.

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