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In the morning Jiayi woke up alone in bed, her head was throbbing. She got up and went for a shower first, then to look for Qihe. She found him in the room designated as hers. What had happened last night?  It was hazy after the initial glass of beer. Her shirt from the other day was on the floor by the couch. From the Internet she learned that ginger tea and honey, were a good hangover cure. Not feeling like trying to eat much, a banana was all Jiayi had for breakfast. Needing to do something until Qihe woke up, she checked for ingredients and then began to make steamed buns. Some would be sweet and others stuffed with pork. Normally it took her just over an hour to make them, but she was moving a lot slower. Why her dad had liked to feel this way every day, she didn't understand. While the buns were steaming, she went to Qihe's computer. She saw in the history how late he'd been online gaming and so decided to just leave him alone and keep quiet, so he could sleep. Logging in to DOTA, she began a short game. Once the buns were done, Jiayi went back to gaming, getting totally absorbed in it.

Qihe woke and stretched, before getting out of her bed. He saw her playing online and said good morning, but got no response, due to the headset volume. He kissed her neck and she jumped in surprise. "Sorry, good morning!"

"It's okay, there's steamed buns I made earlier if you're hungry. I guess you were up late gaming?"

"Yeah, I joined a tournament."

"Did you win?"

"Of course. We can go grocery shopping a little later if you want."

"Sounds good. No rush... by the way, was I a total ass last night?"

"Do you remember anything?"

"Nope. Found my shirt on the floor."

"You took it off because you were hot. I did notice your face was flushed, I wonder if you're allergic to beer. Lu He is allergic to all alcohol and so can't drink."

She calked her head to the side, "I didn't barf did I?"

"No... just got a little affectionate."

Jiayi swivelled the chair so she could face him properly, "oh no, did I jump you?"

He laughed. "Not really. You like to kiss and lick a lot when drunk."

"Ugh, thank goodness we were here and not out somewhere!"

"Don't worry, you were cute."

Taking off the gaming headset she stood up and hugged him. "Is that why you slept in my room?"

"No, I didn't want to wake you after I finished online."

"You're too good to me." She kissed his cheek. "I'll just finish up my current game, then I'm all yours."

"No rush." He left to go shower and change.

The game ended and Jiayi looked at her phone. Zan had sent a text, asking if she knew that the twins' birthdate was a week from Thursday. She felt like a terrible girlfriend for not remembering. Zan wanted to go shopping with her one night after school, so they could get the guys gifts. Jiayi told Zan to question Lu He about what Qihe liked and she'd do the same about Lu He.

"You said there are steamed buns?" Qihe asked, returning to the kitchen.

"Yes, sweet and savoury ones."

"Good, I'm not really into sweet things.  Lu He probably would love to try the sweet buns, especially with chocolate."

"Does that mean he likes red bean buns too?"

"Yup. Wow, these pork filled ones are so good." Qihe praised sticking another into his mouth.

She waited until he swallowed and asked, "so you don't like bubble tea?"

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now