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Both Xiang Shao and Ping began talking to Qihe and giving him reports, via WeChat. The Bully leader was hospitalized and the rest of his gang of bullies stayed out of their way. The girls had heard about Mafia Boy being both Ping's friend and half-brother to Xiang Shao, so they left them alone too. Whether it was to gain favour with Qihe or because they were fearful of retaliation, Ping didn't know. Qihe told Xiang Shao he'd be at that same basketball court on Thursday and they could hang out after that game.  Ping said she'd watch them play and then go afterwards, so that the brothers could have alone time.

Thursday arrived and Qihe was at the court first, because he skipped his last class. Ping and Xiang Shao arrived together. The tall guy recognized Qihe and talked to him about the cash game. "You'll be on the shirtless team, we just need one more player."

"Put my brother on the team," Qihe suggested and called out, "Xiang Shao you're on my team."

Xiang Shao jogged up and handed over a roll of cash, then took their shirts over to Ping. She had a flushed face, so he asked, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, have a good game." There was no way she'd admit to being attracted to him or his half-brother, after seeing their abs.

The game began and there seemed to be more female spectators than usual. Unlike the previous game, the players were much more skilled and both sides had to work harder to score points. But the Crane brothers being on the same team became the deciding factor and in the end that's why the Skins won.

Both had a sheen of sweat glistening on their bodies, when they returned to Ping with their share of the cash winnings. She handed over their shirts and drinks, then quickly left, her face once more flushed.

"I think she's sick," Xiang Shao observed.

Qihe almost laughed, because he knew why Ping had been so red.  It was obvious he had a lot to teach his half-brother.  He also knew that Xiang Shao secretly had a crush on Ping and called him out on it. "You like her, right?"

"How did you know? Am I that obvious?"

"To me and some of the other guys, yes.  But don't worry, I doubt she realizes it."

"How do I get her to notice me?"

"She already has after today's game," Qihe grinned under his mask.

"But every time I try to approach her, she turns in the other direction."

"Get me into your school at lunch and I'll help you get the girl."

"Really? Thanks dude!" Xiang Shao bumped knuckles with his half-brother. "Here take my gym jacket and pants, I just washed it this morning."

"You don't need it?"

"I'll wear my spare pair, that I leave in the locker. The pants are a little short, but I don't care."

"Cool. Let's go to the store to get drinks and snacks, that game made me hungry." Qihe put on his shirt and wiped his forehead on a sleeve.

"Qihe, why do you always wear a mouth mask?"

"Originally us twins had braces and they were ugly as all hell. Two years later when the braces came off, everyone was use to us wearing the masks and by then we started to model and do commercials too. The masks helped keep the media and fans away, especially when we would wear hoodies and caps. Now it's habit."

"Makes sense. I'm sure the girls like it too... they love mysterious shit."

Qihe laughed and winked at his half-brother. "Do you like to play online games?"

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now