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iMessage(Mason and Sophia)

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(Mason and Sophia)

Can we hang out tonight?
I'm so bored

What's wrong buddy?

Is everything okay?
Do you want me to come over right now?
Your message can not be send, number might block you

I sight not knowing what to do. He might be on training so he can't answer and that's why he left me on seen, but then there is the notification that he might blocked me?

I was sitting on my coach looking at my phone screen every few seconds hoping Mason will answer my message but nothing. I was so worried but I couldn't ask him what happened because he blocked me only if I go to his and check in person what is happening.

I stood up stroking my little goldendoodle taking my keys and leaving my apartman.

I drove to Mason's knocking on doors. I saw his car and he has to be home even if he went for run or something like that which I doubt.

I knocked once again but nothing. I took my phone from pocket ringing Declan.

"hey Dec" I said

"hey Soph, what's up?" he asked

"um, I'm wondering if you maybe know where Mason is? I'm at his doorstep and he don't answer" I said looking around me

"I think he said he has training today but when I really don't know so if he is not home then he is probably on training" he said and I nodded even if he can't see me

"okay, thank you" I said

"no problem" he said

"bye Dec" I said

"bye Soph" he said and I hang up

I didn't know what to do, to call Christian and ask when they have training or just to go on Cobham and see if Mason's there.

I didn't want to make Mason problems so I decided to call Christian.

"oh, Soph, hey" Chris said answering my call after few moments

"hey Chris" I said sitting on Mason's doorstep

"um, I don't to bother you I was just wondering when you have training today?" I asked

"actually I just took a little break and came to changing room so you have luck" he said and I could imagine him smiling

"that's nice, can you please tell Mason that I'm worried and if he can call me after training?" I asked

"actually....Mason's not here....he called in sick today" Chris said and I looked at doors behind me, he is inside and he don't want to open me

"okay Chris, thank you for telling me" I said and stood up

"you're welcome Soph" he said

"have a nice day, bye" I said and hang up when he said bye

I took a deep breath and tried to knock once again but nothing happened again so I decided to leave.

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