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Christmas 2021


Just as Sophia saw the last comments before she locked comments on her lastest post she went to bathroom not able to hold emotions anymore.

It all started when Mason first posted that they're in relationship and since then she is constantly getting hate comments and messages.

Even through she never told Mason about that he saw comments but he thought she didn't take it by heart since she didn't say anything but he didn't know was that she was taking it more than by heart.

It was really hurting her seeing comments that Mason deserves better, that she is a bitch, that she uses him for money, that his family are only saying good things about her because they don't want her to feel bad and many more.

By now Sophia was on bathroom floor tears running down her cheeks uncontrollable. She tried to make her sobs as quiet as she can just noone will hear but it was too late.

Mason saw, once again, comments and this time he was sure something is not okay with Sophia and that she is taking it by heart.

Mason excused himself to family and went to bathroom to check on his girlfriend. He lightly knocked on doors but he got anything back.

"Soph, is everything okay in there?" he asked even he knew nothing was okay since she was closed in bathroom for good 10 minutes now

"I'm okay, go back down" she said trying not to sound like she is crying but he knows her very well

"can you open? Please? I know you're crying" he said quietly hoping she will open him

She sobbed a bit louder so he could hear it and his heart broke.

"please" he said softly and moments later doors went opened and he immediately hugged his girlfriend holding her tightly

"it's okay babe, you're okay" he said rubbing her back as she was crying on his shoulder

"I'm just wasting your time, they are right, you deserve someone better" she said and he pulled away cupping her face

"it's not true Soph, you're not wasting my time and if someone don't deserve someone then that's me, then I don't deserve you" he said wipping her tears

"they're just jealous on you, you know how many girls likes me but there is only one girl I've ever liked and that's you" he said leaning his forehead against her as she sniffed

"I know it's hard to ignore something you're forced to see, but I need you to believe me that nothing that they're saying bad things is not true" he said kissing her forehead and hugging her before they decided to join Mason's family again after Sophia cleaned her face

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