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Sophia was sitting on couch trying to make speech in her head how to tell her boyfriend when she heard front doors opening and closing.

She took a deep breath as Mason approached her sitting beside her.

"hey, you better?" he asked kissing the side of her head

"for now" she said and he looked at her confused

"what does it mean?" he asked

"I have to tell you something so it depends on your reaction for how long I'm gonna be good" she said

"what's wrong?" he asked and Sophia raised her arm to him

"what?" Mason asked laughing as he saw TAP written on the top of his girlfriend's hand

"do it" she said smiling and he tapped the top of her hand

Sophia opened her hand and Mason couldn't help but laugh even more when he saw turn it around on her fingers.

He turned her hand so he could see the next sentence on her palm where was written lift up the sleeve what caused him to now realize that she had his hoodie on but it was June and sunny weather.

He lifted her sleeve up reading the next sentence.

"lift up hoodie" he read and looked at her

"if you wanted to have sex you didn't have to do this just to say it" he said what caused her to roll her eyes playfully

"do it" she said and laid down on couch as he lifted hoodie from her stomach and his eyes wide opened, it was written guess what and a little feet was drawn

"no" he mumbled not believing what he just read

"no, you're kidding" he said looking at her confused

"here" she said giving her boyfriend little box with pregnancy tests

"Soph, you're kidding, right?" he asked and she shook her head and next second he threw them both down on couch kissing her face over and over again

"is that why you were sick?" he asked looking at her eyes as he was lying on the top of her

"yes and I'm sorry for being moody but from now on you have to get used to it for next about 9 months depends on when you put this baby in" Sophia said smiling as he brushed his nose over hers

"I love you so much Soph" he said

"I love you more" she smiled at him

"not a chance, I'm loving two people in one now" he said as she just smiled bitting her lip as he buried her face in her neck cuddling with her boyfriend

FRIENDS [Mason Mount] ©️Where stories live. Discover now